GAZ-21 - Wikipedia
The GAZ M21 Volga is an automobile produced in the Soviet Union by GAZ (Gorkovsky Avtomobilniy Zavod, in English "Gorky automobile factory") from 1956 to 1970. The first car to …
GAZ Volga - Wikipedia
Design of GAZ-21's replacement began in the early 1960s, with sketches gradually showing a more angular and rigid profile. GAZ planned to keep a modernised version of the four-cylinder …
GAZ M-21 "VOLGA" history and car specification | Avtoclassika
Many sources say that GAZ 21 is a kind of replica of Ford. But was it so? Lipgart, who took an active part in the development and modernization of these cars, only took over the invaluable …
GAZ-21 - 华文百科
三个系列gaz-21. 发行了三个系列gaz-21,最容易以格栅区分。第一个系列(1956 - 58年)被称为《星星》 ,其中央有三个大型水平杆的格子,是带有星星的纪念章。第二次系列的车 …
苏联汽车的象征——北京汽车博物馆的经典车(39):GAZ-21伏 …
高尔基汽车厂的LOGO“GAZ” 今天的主角GAZ-M21 Volga就是M20的后继车型,其中的Volga便是大家熟知的伏尔加了。M21伏尔加的研制起始于1950年代初,并于1956年开始在高尔基汽车 …
GAZ-M-21 "Volga" - SovAvto
These pictures are of GAZ-21R that belongs to Dmitry Kuznetsov near Novosibirsk, Russia [122]. Dmitry's Volga was one made in April of 1966 and was one of about a dozen special edition …
Международный клуб волговодов М-21
Сообщество любителей ГАЗ-21 «Волга», представленное в Сети на портале GAZ-21.Org, объединяет любителей Волги — всех, кому интересен этот автомобиль и его …
中国国际老爷车展之 伏尔加GAZ M21 - 凤凰网汽车
2014年9月4日 · 1957年,伏尔加嘎斯21则换装了型号为zmz-21a的2.445升四缸发动机,最大功率为70马力,变速箱上使用来自美国福特公司的3速手动变速器。
Old cars of USSR: GAZ 21 (volga) - oldcarsussr.blogspot.com
GAZ 21 (volga) In 1953 at the Gorky Automobile Plant. Molotov was decided to develop a completely new model of the car, which would replace the conveyor outdated by the standards …
Engines | GAZ24.COM
21A engine – the “forefather” of all GAZ/ZMZ and UMZ pushrod inline fours. GAZ-24 Volga’s engine was largely derived from the GAZ-21 Volga’s model 21A powerplant, produced from …