GAZ-69 - Wikipedia
The GAZ-69 is a Soviet four-wheel drive off-road vehicle produced by GAZ (ГАЗ, or Gorkovsky Avtomobilnyi Zavod, Gorky Automobile Factory) between 1953 and 1956 and then by UAZ between 1956 and 1972, though all of these light truck class vehicles were known as GAZ-69s. It was also produced in Romania until 1975.
GAZ-69人員車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
GAZ-69人員車是一種典型的軍用人員車,初期是車身前方左右各一道車門,後方左右側各有2個可摺起座位,後來改全車有四個車門,車身後方有一排有三個座位的沙發,車頂是一個帆布製雨篷,必要時可拉起或收下,四輪驅動並可載1/2噸貨物,車身後方底有一個48公升主油箱,司機座位下方也有一個27公升油箱,司機可通過右腳旁邊的制切換用哪個油箱的汽油,GAZ-69的方向盤等操作系統暢順,但相比其車重(1535公斤)就有點馬力(55匹)不足,機動性不及美製 威利 …
The GAZ-69 (UAZ 69) 4x4 Truck (1949) - Truck Encyclopedia
The GAZ-69 and GAZ-69A were the main cold war Soviet off-road military utility cars, produced from 1952 to 1973. They had been created by a team of designers of the Gorky Automobile Plant (F.A. Lependin, G.K.Shneider, B.N. Pankratov, S.G. Zislin, V.F.Filyukov, V.I. Podolsky, V.S.Soloviev, under the leadership of G.M. Wasserman).
GAZ-69人员车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
GAZ-69人员车是一种典型的军用人员车,初期是车身前方左右各一道车门,后方左右侧各有2个可折起座位,后来改全车有四个车门,车身后方有一排有三个座位的沙发,车顶是一个帆布制雨篷,必要时可拉起或收下,四轮驱动并可载1/2吨货物,车身后方底有一个48公升主油箱,司机座位下方也有一个27公升油箱,司机可通过右脚旁边的制切换用哪个油箱的汽油,GAZ-69的方向盘等操作系统畅顺,但相比其车重(1535公斤)就有点马力(55匹)不足,机动性不及美制 威利 …
红色军马|在中国人民解放军服役的苏联嘎斯69(GAZ-69)越野 …
2024年6月28日 · gaz-69旨在替代性能落后的gaz-67b,并适应指挥、运输、侦察和救援等多种任务。 其高离地间隙、四轮驱动系统和坚固底盘使其在恶劣条件下依然能够正常运行,显著提升了战场生存能力。
Gaz 69 data and specifications catalogue - Automobile-Catalog
Gaz 69A (1953-1972) Cars belonging to Gaz 69A submodel, manufactured or offered in the years 1953-1972 with soft-top body type, equipped with engines of 2120 cc (129.1 cui) displacement, delivering 40.5 kW (55 PS, 54 hp) of horsepower:
About GAZ-69: car specifications and history of creation
GAZ-69 - is one of the first Soviet off roads cars, which had been produced from 1952 to 1972 and originally it was produced at the Moscow Molotov plant.
情怀老车——前苏联嘎斯69(GAZ-69)型越野车 - 懂车帝
2023年4月15日 · 嘎斯69,是苏联最早的轻型 越野车 之一,生产于1952-1972年。 在上世纪50年代,批量嘎斯69越野车被进口到我国,应用在各级部门及部队中。 而我们最早生产的轻型乘用车北京212(BJ212)更是大量借鉴了嘎斯69的技术。 可以说,嘎斯69是一款与我国颇有历史渊源的车型。 该车的整备质量为 1470 公斤,总重量为 2110 公斤。 它具有高牵引力特性,可以牵引相当于自重一半重量的拖车,提高扭矩的同时也牺牲了部分动力,最高速度仅为 75 公里/小时。 汽 …
GAZ-69 - SovAvto website
1998年9月30日 · GAZ-69 replaced GAZ-67B in 1953 and was being assembled until 1972, practically without changes. First year cars were produced in Gorky (so called from 1930 to 1992, right now renamed into its Russian name [as opposed to Soviet] - Nizhniy Novgorod).
GAZ-69 - Wikicars
2010年2月2日 · The GAZ-69 was the basic light off-road vehicle of the Soviet Army, replacing GAZ-67s and Willys Jeeps. The GAZ-69 was itself replaced with the UAZ-469. It was also used as the basis for the 2P26 tank destroyer as well as for the GAZ 46 MAV, a light 4x4 amphibious vehicle, whose design was largely copied from the World War II Ford GPA 'Seep'.