List of GAZ vehicles - Wikipedia
This is a list of vehicles designed or produced by GAZ, a Russian carmaker based in Nizhny Novgorod. GAZ-12A - ″ZIM″ Taxi (???) GAZ-46 MAV - light 4x4 amphibian (1952-??)
GAZ-60 - SovAvto website
1998年9月23日 · Technical parameters and photographs of GAZ-60 semi-caterpillar truck on SovAvto website
Engines of the Red Army in WW2 - o5m6.de
As a result, the Gorkiy Auto Zavod (»GAZ«) combined the GAZ-AA and the halftrack suspension and called it GAZ-60. Almost 700 were produced in 1939, just in time to be tested in the …
GAZ 60 (1938) - truck-encyclopedia.com
The GAZ 60 was an half-track variant of the GAZ-AA and later GAZ-MM with 900 produced in two batches from 1938 to 1940, used until 1943.
GAZ-60 half-track military vehicle - 資訊咖
3 天之前 · The GAZ-60 semi-track is a combination of the GAZ AA truck and the French Citroen semi-track in the Soviet Union before World War II to cope with the extremely poor road …
Oldtimer gallery. Trucks. GAZ-60
GAZ-60 Years of production: 1938 - 1942. Designed by NATI in 1936 as NATI-V3. Overall production: ? units. Only one is known, it's photo is here. If you know another one in any …
GAZ-60 – Wikipedia
Der GAZ-60 (russisch ГАЗ-60) war ein sowjetisches Halbkettenfahrzeug auf Basis des Lastwagens GAZ-AA, welches 1939 in Serie gefertigt wurde. Studien und Prototypen reichen …
简析苏联坦克歼击车与自行火炮#4:从“送奶车”到ZSU-37 - 哔哩哔哩
理论射速约120~130发/分,而实际上只有50~60发/分。 火炮俯仰角为-5°~85°,可以用来射击2500米高度下、距离6500米范围内的慢速目标。 61-K 37mm高射炮班组站位示意图
【翻译】不为人知的苏联半履带炮:ZIS-41&ZIS-43 - 哔哩哔哩
2017年2月17日 · 科学汽车拖拉机研究所(nati)直到30年代末才整出了可堪一用的半履带车。基于gaz-aa制成的半履带车被称为gaz-60,用zis-5整出来的则被称作zis-22。
GAZ-60 / T-60 light tank - GlobalSecurity.org
From August 1941 to February 1943, the Gorky Automobile Plant collected 2,962 light tanks GAZ-60 (T-60), and then it was replaced by a more powerful light tank T-70.