Ghazal - Wikipedia
The ghazal[a] is a form of amatory poem or ode, [1] originating in Arabic poetry [2] that often deals with topics of spiritual and romantic love. It may be understood as a poetic expression of both …
Best of Jagjit Singh Ghazals | Ghazal Hits | Audio Jukebox
The renowned indian ghazal singer Jagjit Singh, better known as the "Ghazal King" has given some unforgettable ghazals for all of us to cherish. Presenting s...
100 Most Famous Ghazals - Rekhta
100 Most popular ghazals. Find their Audio, Video & Ebooks at Rekhta and Search by ghazal name.
Ghazal | The Poetry Foundation
(Pronounciation: “guzzle”) Originally an Arabic verse form dealing with loss and romantic love, medieval Persian poets embraced the ghazal, eventually making it their own. Consisting of …
Ghazal - Academy of American Poets
Traditionally invoking melancholy, love, longing, and metaphysical questions, ghazals are often sung by Iranian, Indian, and Pakistani musicians. The form has roots in seventh-century …
Ghazal | Arabic Poetry, Love Poetry, Persian Poetry | Britannica
ghazal, in Islamic literatures, genre of lyric poem, generally short and graceful in form and typically dealing with themes of love. As a genre the ghazal developed in Arabia in the late 7th century …
Ghazal - Definition and Examples - Poem Analysis
A ghazal is a type of poem that is constructed with couplets, repeated words, and rhyming words. At a minimum, there are five total couplets in a poem. This form does not exceed fifteen …