肩井 - TCM Wiki
2011年8月24日 · Jianjing(GB21,肩井) is an acupuncture point in the meridian named Shaoyang Gall Bladder Meridian of Foot. Meaning. Jian, shoulder; jing, well. The point is on the shoulder and the depression is like a well. Location. Midway between Dazhui and the acromion, at the highest point of the shoulder. Indication. ache of the neck and nape, shoulder ...
每日一穴位:肩井穴 - 百度
2024年1月15日 · 【肩井穴】 Jiān jǐng(GB21),经穴名。出《针灸甲乙经》。属足少阳胆经。手足少阳、阳维之会。别名:肩解穴,膊井穴。
Acupuncture.Com - Gall Bladder 21
Location: On the shoulder, directly above the nipple, at the midpoint of the line connecting DU 14 and the acromion. Functions: Activates the meridian, descends Qi, promotes labor, benefits the breasts, resolves Phlegm. Needling: Perpendicular insertion .5 - .8 cun. Below this point is the apex of the lung, do not puncture deeply.
GB21 Jianjing 肩井 - Sunnyfish Studio
Midpoint linking the line between Dazhui (GV14) and the shoulder acromion. Crossing point of GB, TE, ST Meridians and Yangwei Vessel. Each person has his/her own personal body …
GB-21 - Drug Targets, Indications, Patents - Synapse - Patsnap
For our three patients, Hwangyeonhaedoktang pharmacopuncture was injected at GB21 and GB20 on both sides; a total of 0.4 cc was injected, with 0.1 cc being injected at each point. Fel ursi, Bezora bovis and moschus (BUM) pharmacopuncture was injected at CV17, CV12, and CV6; a total of 0.15 cc was injected, with 0.05 cc being injected at each point.
探秘工业小巨人:GB21外六角螺栓的奥秘 - 百家号
2024年7月10日 · gb21外六角螺栓在工业中作用关键,具高强度、耐磨、轻便灵活特点,广泛应用于机械设备、电子产品和水利工程。 选择时需考虑材质、强度等级和尺寸,确保稳定连接。
GB 21 - 1976-小六角头螺栓- 易紧通
供应“青固”品牌螺丝,0.8φ-20φ碳钢1022、不锈钢 304 、316、302; 铜、铝等材质;2.5-10mm,公称长度:6.5mm-300mm ;表面处理:镀白锌、彩锌、镍、达克罗、热镀锌等;非标按客户要求定做。 材质:碳钢、不锈钢;等级:4.8、8.8、10.9、12.9;表面处理:按客户要求;规格齐全,支持非标定制! 小六角头螺栓 半精制 [Annex Attached Table 2.2.] Small Hexagon Head Bolts, Semifinished [Annex Attached Table 2.2.]
GB21、GB30是什么螺栓? - 百度知道
GB30螺栓和GB21螺栓区别 - 紧固件信息网
gb30 螺栓和 gb21 螺栓是最常见的六角头螺栓,属于 1976 年的 国家标准 。 市场上称呼为 “ 三零栓、二幺栓”。 该标准现已作废, 由新 标准 GB5782 、 GB5783 等代替 。
GB 21-1976 - 道客巴巴
2019年11月27日 · 更多相关文档 . GB 21-1976 小六角头螺栓 星级: 3 页 p3002化学密封,德国tecsis化学密封 星级: 4 页 GB 21-1976 小六角头螺栓.pdf