卡西欧最潮小方块GBD-200 - 什么值得买
2021年12月23日 · 买GBD-200功能啥的,我没太关注,原因就一个,外观非常潮。 不同于传统小方块的复古造型,它是新设计的,屏幕升级了,虽是反显,显示效果比传统方块正显还清晰,特别是可视角度大大改善。 (我对比过,传统方块正显在某些角度显示效果是不太好的)这款没有电波,蓝牙他校时他不是更香吗? 其他什么信息提示、来电提示、计步器等等功能我没太研究,买它主要是当个备用表,装饰性大于功能性。 顺带提一嘴,这款的表盘是重新设计的,比传统方块 …
these watches integrate toughness-driven design with sports technology. Think of it as essential training gear to complement your active lifestyle. Start walking and the motion-sensing accelerometer will count your steps automatically. Displays total daily steps as …
GBD200-1 | Digital Men's Watch G-SHOCK - CASIO
Soft urethane band material provides improved comfort, while more band holes let you adjust the fit to your particular wrist. From daily health management to improved running endurance, the new MOVE GBD200 model provides you with tools that support a wide range of workout goals.
GBD-200-2 | CASIO卡西欧官方网站
G-SQUAD系列新品GBD-200 ,为经典方形设计,颜色为藏青色。 表带由柔软的聚氨酯制成,可增强贴合性。 密集的表带孔方便精细调整。 这款新型号比以往G-SQUAD系列产品更薄,适合日常锻炼佩戴。 另外该表配备前按钮,方便显示照明,便于夜间训练操作。 还可以测量跑步速度,具有自动圈速测量功能,在每次跑到一定距离时可自动测量圈速。 另外该产品还有专属APP,可以进行手表设置,帮助制定和完成训练计划。 另外可通过蓝牙与智能手机的GPS连接,通过手表的 …
观看评测:卡西欧 GBD200 入门级蓝牙 MiP G-Shock MOVE-OR厂 …
2022年10月18日 · 更入门级但还具有蓝牙连接和出色 mips 屏幕的是今年新推出的参考 gbd200 (gbd200-1),价格非常激进,为 150 美元。 您可能还记得在 GBD200 之前的卡西欧手表,即卡西欧 G-Shock G-Lide GBX100(此处为 aBlogtoWatch 评论)。
With extra adjustment holes in the soft urethane band for a quality, precision fit, you’re set to enjoy full-on function and complete comfort. Available in lime green, black, or navy blue. MSRP RM735.00. 48.4 × 45.9 × 15 mm. 58 g. Resin Band. Shock Resistant. 200-meter water resistance. Approx. battery life: 2 years on CR2032.
一抹入魂紫——CASIO GBD-200SM-1A6PR极速开箱 - 什么值得买
2022年6月5日 · 而本篇文章要说的GBD200则是今年推出的新品,虽然更趋近于入门级,但它依然具有着蓝牙连接模块以及出色的MIP屏幕。 而其中最热的配色自然是1A5和1A6. 作为发行价1190的表款,其中橙色市场价已经炒到将近2K,可以算是最近的火热爆款了。 看完照片说完知识来总结下总体使用感受。 佩戴. 不知道是否因为材质的原因,这款GBD200的塑胶 表带 亲肤感受完全比不上当年的5610,甚至有一种劣质橡胶的感觉。 蓝牙连接. GBD并不是CASIO首款支持蓝牙的 …
Watch vibrations provide alerts for time elapsed, calories burned, and more during training, as well as telephone, email and social media notifications for a Bluetooth®-linked smartphone. High-brightness LED lights up the LCD with high-intensity light, maintaining watch readability in the dark. *Image shows the GBD-200-1.
Casio G-Shock (Ori) GBD-200 / GBD-200-1DR / GBD ... - Shopee …
Access your smartphone GPS via Bluetooth® for precision accelerometer measurement. All the info you need is at your fingertips — distance, speed, and pace, as well as auto lap readings to keep track of running times for set distances.
Casio G-Shock (Ori) GSQUAD GBD-200-2DR / GBD200
Access your smartphone GPS via Bluetooth® for precision accelerometer measurement. All the info you need is at your fingertips — distance, speed, and pace, as well as auto lap readings to keep track of running times for set distances.
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