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Glendale Community College | Home
Glendale Community College • 1500 North Verdugo Road Glendale, California 91208 • 818-240-1000 • Maps
Glendale Community College - MyGCC
VERDUGO CAMPUS HELP. Admissions & Records. Additional Help: GCC LIVE CHAT, Welcome Center GARFIELD CAMPUS HELP
Canvas - Glendale Community College
Learn how to set up your profile, submit assignments and use the Canvas Mobile App in our Passport to Canvas Course! How to login to Canvas for the first time for students: Use your GCC Student ID number as username.
GCC Catalogs by Academic Year | Glendale Community College
Free tuition for first time, full-time students! Want a Printed Version? Print versions of the catalog for the current year are available in the Admissions & Records Office (SV 3rd floor) for $5. Look through the Catalog Archive for a previous academic year!
Students | Glendale Community College - gccaz.edu
Become a student at GCC. Follow our four easy steps to enroll. Learn about special enrollment programs and resources available to you before you enroll.
The CalWORKs Parents Program | Glendale Community College
You can join the GCC CalWORKs Program if you have children under 18 years old, you are enrolled in classes at GCC, and you are part of the Los Angeles County DPSS GAIN Program.
Contact Us - gcccks.edu
We've tried to provide all relevant admissions information on this site, but if you can't find what you are looking for - especially on the Admissions Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page - you may contact us directly. Please direct questions about financial aid, including the FAFSA and CSS Profile, to the Office of Financial Aid.
Degree and Graduation Requirements - Garden City Community …
Garden City Community College awards four degrees, each with a special emphasis to meet individual student needs. The degrees are: Each student planning to graduate from GCCC is required to declare their intent to graduate by filing an Application for Graduation with the Registrar’s office. Application deadlines are: Fall completion……………………
Canvas Login Instructions - gcccks.edu
You will not be able to log into your course (s) on Canvas until a week before the course starts. If you register during the add/drop period, there may be a slight delay (up to one business day) in the activation of your Canvas user ID/password and course upload. After logging into Canvas, you will see your course (s) on your dashboard.