GCCC / Órgãos do MP / Entrada - Procuradoria Geral da Republica
O Gabinete Central do Combate à Corrupção (GCCC) é o órgão especializado do Ministério Público que tem por função a prevenção e combate aos crimes de corrupção, peculato, participação económica ilícita, tráfico de influências, enriquecimento ilícito e conexos.
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Mozambique: Attorney General wants corruption cases investigated without any ... CTA calls for the integration and centralization of Mozambique's tax policy in the Ministry ... Unabridged: …
New Director Appointed for Central Anti-Corruption Agency
2025年1月17日 · Maputo (MOZTIMES) – Mozambique has a new Director of the Central Office for the Fight Against Corruption (GCCC), Glória da Conceição Adamo, who took office on 16 September, replacing Ana Maria Gemo, who had been in the post for 16 years.
“Vamos combater a corrupção sem medo” – Promete nova Directora do GCCC ...
2024年9月17日 · A nova Directora do Gabinete Central de Combate à Corrupção (GCCC), Glória da Conceição Adamo, comprometeu-se em aprimorar as medidas para acabar com a corrupção no País tanto no sector público assim como no privado. O compromisso foi assumido, nesta segunda-feira (16), momentos após a sua tomada de posse.
Mozambique: Attorney-General challenges anti-corruption body …
2024年9月17日 · Mozambique’s Attorney-General Beatriz Buchili, on Monday challenged the Central Office for the Fight against Corruption (GCCC) to identify more cases involving corruption in the country.
Corrupção no judiciário: Detenção de juiz em flagrante delito é …
2023年7月19日 · O comunicado do Gabinete Central de Combate à Corrupção (GCCC) dando conta da detenção de um Juiz de Direito A, numa secção do Tribunal Judicial da Província de Maputo, flagrado recebendo dinheiro de suborno para influenciar decisões judiciais, foi recebido com surpresa por muitos moçambicanos.
HRA: The competent authority for the investigation of crimes of corruption is the Central Anti-Corruption Office (Gabinete Central de Combate à Corrupção or “GCCC”), an agency reporting to the General Public Prosecutor Office, as provided in the Organic Law of the Public Ministry (Law no. 22/2007, of August 1st, as amended by Law no. 14/2012, of...
Mozambique: Fight against organised crime depends on asset …
2024年6月24日 · Mozambican Attorney-General Beatriz Buchili declared on Friday that success in the fight against organized crime depends on the recovery of assets held in criminal hands.
FATF: Anti-Corruption Bureau Prioritises Money Laundering Cases
2024年4月10日 · With a renewed focus on money laundering cases, the Central Office for Combating Corruption (GCCC) is stepping up its investigations, in a strategic move to remove the country from the “grey list” of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), according to information published by the newspaper Noticias.
“Scarce Resources Constrain Whistleblower Protection Against …
2024年7月12日 · The Central Office for Combating Corruption (GCCC) criticises the lack of financial and other resources that continue to limit the protection of whistleblowers in Mozambique, 12 years after the approval of the Law for the Protection of Victims, Whistleblowers and Witnesses and the creation of the Central Office for Victim Protection (GCPV).