IBM Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) - Overview
IBM® Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) is a family of programs that provides presentation services in IBM host data processing applications. These services are comprised of a set of functions for showing data on IBM display terminals and other devices.
IBM Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) - 概述
IBM Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) 系列程序在 IBM 主机数据处理应用程序中提供呈现服务。 这些服务依托于在 IBM 显示终端和其他设备上显示数据的一组功能。 GDDM 将数据发送到各种设备,包括显示器、打印机、绘图仪和主机连接的个人计算机。 GDDM 还接受输入,从键盘读取字母数字数据、从平板电脑或鼠标读取图形数据、从扫描仪读取图像数据。 创建图形、图像和字母数字文本,以供多种受支持的输出设备显示或打印。 读取设备输入,并在多个独立的窗 …
Graphical Data Display Manager - Wikipedia
GDDM (Graphical Data Display Manager) is a computer graphics system for the IBM System/370 which was developed in IBM's Hursley lab, and first released in 1979. GDDM was originally designed to provide programming support for the IBM 3279 colour display terminal and the associated 3287 colour printer.
IBM Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM)
IBM Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) is a "family" of programs that provides vital presentation services in IBM host data processing applications. For additional information about GDDM visit the Marketplace page.
GDDM publications GDDM/MVS is an element of OS/390. GDDM-REXX/MVS and GDDM-PGF are optional features of OS/390. For a complete list of the publications associated with OS/390, see the OS/390 Information Roadmap, GC28-1727. A description of the GDDM publications is provided in Appendix, “The GDDM Version 3 library” on page 91.
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User’s Guide - IBM
The chapters on working with GDDM-OS/2 Link and GDDM-PCLK have been moved into the GDDM System Customization and Administration book because they are intended for use by system administrators.
GDM, KDM, LightDM, SDDM的区别和安装配置 - devilyouwei - 博 …
Apr 17, 2020 · GDM (GNOME Display Manager),LightDM (Light Display Manager) 和 KDM (KDE Display Manager) 是为不同版本的Ubuntu配置的管理器。 他们帮助启动X 服务器。 用户会话和欢迎 ( 登录屏幕)。 你可以运行 sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm 以在 lightdm。 gdm和KDM之间进行更改。 安装它们就像 sudo apt-get install <your desired display manager> ( 显示manger将被 kdm,gdm 和 lightdm 替换。 gdm3,kdm 和 lightdm 都是显示管理器。 它们提供图形化登录并 …
GDM, KDM, LightDM, SDDM的区别和安装配置 - CSDN博客
Apr 17, 2020 · GDM (GNOME Display Manager),LightDM (Light Display Manager) 和 KDM (KDE Display Manager) 是为不同版本的Ubuntu配置的管理器。 他们帮助启动X 服务器。 用户会话和欢迎 ( 登录屏幕)。 你可以运行 sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm 以在 lightdm。 gdm和KDM之间进行更改。 安装它们就像 sudo apt-get install <your desired display manager> ( 显示manger将被 kdm,gdm 和 lightdm 替换。 文章浏览阅读1.9w次,点赞8次,收藏41次。 gdm3,kdm 和 …
GDDM is IBM's Strategic Graphics Support Product. The aim of a Graphics Support Product is to isolate or insulate classes of users from the intricacies of graphics with which they are not directly concerned. The characteristics and trends of the first three releases of GDDM are pointed out.
What GDDM is - IBM
Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) is a set of IBM programs that carry out various tasks on pictures (created from graphics, image, alphanumeric, and presentation text, data). The pictures can be created and displayed with a GDDM-compatible utility or …