Question - Where to connect GDV cable? | Tom's Hardware Forum
2020年7月3日 · Hi guys, Im a new builder, I bought the Fantech CG72 Strike case and as I was plugging in the case's cables on my Motherboard (Asus EX-A320M Gaming) I cant seem to …
I can't find where to connect the GDV cable : r/buildapc - Reddit
2021年2月21日 · The GDV cable is used only on gigabyte motherboards, whatever device you're using will have a different connector for your motherboard …
技嘉365小雕主板VDG/GDV三针接口功能及用法 - 百度贴吧
VDG和GDV是接可编程LED灯条用的,不能接风扇。 玄冰400风扇,可以接CPU FAN和SYS FAN插座
[SOLVED] - Where do i plug the vdg cable on this motherboard
2020年1月12日 · The VDG is for some of the Gigabyte and Aorus motherboards that only used the 3 pin connection. other brands all used the 4 pin connector and Gigabyte swapped to that …
Should I plug my RGB hub into "G DV" on my motherboard? : r ... - Reddit
2023年7月24日 · The GDV connector is for old Gigabyte mobos, before they started using the same VD_G connector as everyone else. You only connect one or the other, not both.
主板gdv接口在哪里 - 百度知道
2020年11月11日 · 买主板前要看看主板上有哪种RGB接口,部分低端主板是不支持灯光同步的,所以板子上没有RGB接口。 部分中高端主板带有12V4针RGB接口,可以将12V4针RGB风 …
Question - Where to connect GDV cable on the Asus Prime …
2023年5月22日 · Hey, I have an XPG Starker tower case and it has aRGB GDV cables which I don't think my motherboard is compatible with but when I looked closely on the motherboard I …
RGB fan problems : r/pcmasterrace - Reddit
2023年4月23日 · There are sometimes multiple ports on a motherboard for easy cable management. Go ahead and plug it into whichever port will make the cable run the cleanest. …
Simple 12V 4pin RGB header to 5V 3 pin D-RGB solution
2019年11月28日 · the vdg port is the same just different connector. its the only convertor to go form 12v mb to 5v device. only other option is to buy a usb controller.