Cloud Consulting, DevOps and Cloud Migration for companies - Geko Cloud
Geko provides solutions that help enterprises with cloud adoption, hybrid computing, container artifact development, and the entire DevOps methodology that ensures best practices with …
GECO-IT/Geco-Cloudbase-Init - GitHub
This is an implementation of Cloudbase-Init to Windows virtual machines running in a Proxmox Node in order to use cloud-init with those vms. What can you do with this implementation? Use …
Windows系统初始化工具Cloudbase-init - 佛西博客
2022年5月15日 · Proxmox VE对于Windows类型的虚拟机,提供了一个叫作configdrive2的元数据服务,务必先看下面链接,了解Proxmox VE在Cloudinit方面的实现。 在Windows客户机中安 …
Jean-Claudebase-init - Geco-iT
It is an open-source project provided by Cloudbase Solutions to enable initialization of a new instance on Windows machines. The purpose is to be the equivalent of the Cloud-Init project …
[TUTORIAL] - Proxmox Support Forum
2021年3月24日 · We made tools to use cloudbase on windows like cloudinit on linux instances ! CloudBase is an open-source project provided by Cloudbase Solutions to enable initialization …
Gecogeco Philippines Inc. - Offshore Cloud Integrator
Gecogeco Philippines Inc. is a one-team offshore cloud integrator organized in two locations in Tokyo, Japan and Cebu, Philippines. We provide high-quality IT services to our clients, …
Geco-Cloudbase-Init/README.md at master · GECO-IT/Geco ... - GitHub
Cloudinit.pm to generate a metadata json file with variables that are compatible with Cloudbase-Init. We have provided patch file for two different versions, if you are on those versions you …
gecoweb7 - GeCOSoft mbH
Gecoweb7 is a modern time tracking and access control solution by GeCOSoft mbH, offering efficient and user-friendly features for businesses.
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GECO - Expertos en soluciones cloud para atención al cliente
Somos una startup de tecnología, especializada en sistemas WEB. Nos orientamos al diseño de herramientas de atención al cliente, con el objetivo de mejorar el Customer Experience (CX). …