Geco Orion Sets New Towing Record - MarineLink
1999年9月2日 · Schlumberger announced Geco Orion has become the first seismic vessel in the industry to tow 3,281 ft. spread unassisted. The spread was accomplished by deploying six 26,246 ft. streamers, each...
Ugly Boat Becomes Drag Queen - explorer.aapg.org
Look closer -- look past the vintage and more at the value -- and the Orion becomes proof that a vessel doesn't have to be new to be state-of-the-art. After a major upgrade almost two years ago this Geco-Prakla vessel has been setting seismic records in the Gulf of Mexico -- namely, a new record for the largest seismic footprint using one vessel.
Geco Orion News - MarineLink
Schlumberger announced Geco Orion has become the first seismic vessel in the industry to tow 3,281 ft. spread unassisted.
Seismic Towing Record Set by Geco-Prakla Vessel - Oil and Gas …
1999年1月27日 · The Schlumberger Geco-Prakla seismic acquisition vessel Geco Orion is reportedly the first seismic vessel in the industry to tow a 1,000-meter spread unassisted. The spread was accomplished by deploying six 8000-meter streamers, each 200 meters apart, and resulted in a vessel footprint of eight sq km—the largest ever achieved.
Business Briefs | Offshore
1997年10月31日 · Geco-Prakla has reported its vessel, Geco Orion, has established a towing record with its initial configuration. The vessel reached the 40,000-meter stream spread with an 800-meter wide spread of 8,000-meter long streamers.
1998年4月30日 · Geco-Prakla won a contract for a 1,000-km 3D survey south of Hibernia Field. Partners Petro-Canada, Chevron Canada Resources, Mobil, and Norsk Hydro scheduled the survey for this summer. The vessel Geco Orion will gather the data using eight streamers and two sources. Making sense of MWD
Geco-Prakla The Geco Orionbecame the first seismic vessel to tow a 1000-m spread unassisted. The spread was accom-plished by deploying six 8000-m streamers, each 200 m apart, and resulted in a vessel footprint of 8 km 2Ñ the largest ever achieved by any sin-gle vessel worldwide. Geonics Simon Boniwell has been named marketing and sales manager of
Baird forecasts upturn in early 2000! (January 1999) - oilit.com
The seismic boat Geco Orion set a new standard by towing 6 streamers, each 8 km long in a spread 1 km wide (5 miles by 3,300 feet)! PDM was wondering what the processing mute looks like on an 8 km spread?
GECO ORION - The Shipping Database
GECO ORION. Post navigation. SEVILLE. C-ORION. Vessel Name IMO Year Owner/Company Exact Match. Recent Posts. Site Statistics; Site Statistics; Site Statistics; Site Statistics; Site Statistics; Recent Comments. Huug Pieterse on STELLA POLARIS; Huug Pieterse on STELLA POLARIS; Huug Pieterse on THEODORA;
RION, Research vessel, IMO 7807392 - BalticShipping.com
RION is a Research vessel built in 1979 by STERKODER SHIPBUILDING - KRISTIANSUND, NORWAY. Current status: Decommissioned or lost. Formerly also known as ORION, CGG ORION, C ORION, GECO ORION, SEA STAR, EDDA SKY. It's gross tonnage is 5125 tons.