Gedly Tugi - Facebook
🥳Gedly Tugi on Tradehouse Ilukaubamaja tulevikutegija!🥳 👉Tradehouse Ilukaubamaja andis välja 7 noorsportlase stipendiumit andekatele tulevikutegijatele. 📯Lisaks Gedlyle said stipendiumid Eesti iluvõimlemise rühmkava koondis, ujuja Martin Allikvee, iluuisutaja Eva-Lotta Kiibus, kümnevõistleja Kristjan Rosenberg, käija ...
Gedly TUGI | Profile | World Athletics
Gedly TUGI, Estonia - Javelin Throw, Discus Throw, Long Jump, High Jump, Shot Put
Gedly Tugi – Vikipeedia
Gedly Tugi (sündinud 11. septembril 2001 Karksi-Nuias) on Eesti kergejõustiklane, odaviskaja. Ta on lõpetanud Karksi-Nuia August Kitzbergi nimelise Gümnaasiumi 11. klassi ja Audentese Spordigümnaasiumis 12. klassi.
Gedly Tugi: Estonia’s Rising Star in Javelin Throw - Chanzblog
2024年4月19日 · Chanz, known for its enthusiastic support of Estonia’s top athletes, is proudly sponsoring Gedly Tugi, one of the nation’s brightest stars in javelin throwing. This partnership highlights Chanz’s commitment to nurturing homegrown talent, providing Gedly with the resources and support needed to excel on the international stage.
Gedly Tugi: Estonia's Rising Javelin Star Gears up for the 2024 ...
2024年7月2日 · Gedly Tugi, a prominent Estonian javelin thrower, is set to compete in the 2024 Olympics, marking a significant milestone in her athletic career. Collaborating with renowned coach Magnus Kirt, Tugi’s journey embodies dedication, hard work and …
Gedly Tugi - Noored Olümpiale
Gedly Tugi suurimad saavutused: 2019 U20 Euroopa meistrivõistlused pronksmedal. 2019, 2022 Eesti täiskasvanute meister. 2018 U18 Euroopa meistrivõistlused pronksmedal; Isegi kui ma oleksin teadnud, 10-aastaselt esmakordselt oda kätte võttes, et sellest saab minu tulevik, ei oleks ma ühtegi teist rada valinud.
Gedly Tugi – Wikipedia
Gedly Tugi, född 11 september 2001 i Karksi-Nuia, är en estländsk spjutkastare. Tugi har tre medaljer från europeiska juniormästerskap. [1] Hon kastade över 60 meter för första gången i en tävling i Pärnu den 2 juli 2023 då hon nådde 60,65 meter. [2] Tugi tränas av Magnus Kirt. [3]
Gedly TUGI - European Athletics
2001年9月11日 · Gedly TUGI Country Estonia Born 11 SEP 2001 Gender Female Disciplines Javelin Throw, Javelin Throw (500g), Shot Put
Olympedia – Gedly Tugi
2001年9月11日 · At the 1964 Olympics, the Olympic flame was lit by Yoshinori Sakai, an athlete who was born on 6 August 1945 in Hiroshima - the day the atomic bomb destroyed that city.
Gedly Tugi Shines in Season Opener - Chanzblog
2024年5月30日 · Gedly Tugi made an impressive start to her season by securing second place in the recent javelin competition in Pärnu. With a best throw of 58.19 meters, Gedly demonstrated her skill and determination, setting a positive tone for the season ahead. Team Chanz was proud to be in Pärnu to root Gedly for the win!
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