Geely Borui - Wikipedia
The Geely Borui (Chinese: 吉利博瑞; pinyin: Jílì Bóruì) is a large family car / mid-size car (D-segment in Europe) produced by the Chinese automaker Geely Auto since April 2015. At the 2011 Shanghai Motor Show, Volvo unveiled the Concept Universe.
Geely Borui GE - Wikipedia
The Geely Borui, marketed as the Geely Borui GE (Chinese: 吉利博瑞GE; pinyin: Jílì Bóruì GE) until 2020, is a mid-sized sedan that was produced by the Chinese automaker Geely from 2018 to 2021. Mild hybrid and plug-in hybrid forms were also provided.
吉利博瑞 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
吉利博瑞GE是吉利的旗舰杂的大家庭的汽车基于吉利CMA平台,并作出其第一次出现在三月2018年和开始销售,在可能2018年。 它带有一个1.5T180L3汽油发动机和一个7速 DCT 变速箱为温和的混合动力和插在混合版本。 (主要件品: 吉利博瑞GE) 这车是从一个新的平台共同开发与沃尔沃。 这是配备了双臂悬挂调的汽车技术公司prodrive公司。 该博瑞动机的选择包括1.8T GDI引擎和3.5升的V6铝动机,以及六速 直接的变速箱 提供的澳大利亚传输生产者DSI,这是获得通过吉 …
Geely Borui - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Geely Borui (Chinese: 吉利博瑞; pinyin: Jílì Bóruì) is a large family car/mid-size car produced by the Chinese automaker Geely Auto. It was first introduced in April 2015, and was designed for the D-segment, which is a category for mid-size sedans in Europe.
Geely Borui
The Geely Borui (Chinese : 吉利博瑞; pinyin : Jílì Bóruì) is a large family car / mid-size car (D-segment in Europe) produced by the Chinese automaker Geely Auto since April 2015. The Borui engine options include a 1.8T GDI engine and 3.5L V6 aluminum engine, as well as a six-speed direct shift gearbox ..
吉利博瑞 - 百度百科
吉利博瑞是 吉利 旗下首款引入 沃尔沃 安全技术理念的 车型,同时也是吉利彰显品牌和产品实力的扛鼎之作。 自上市以来,吉利博瑞已先后成为外交部外事礼宾指定用车、驻华使节用车、首届中国-中东欧博览会官方用车、G20杭州峰会官方等国际盛会的官方用车、两会用车。 [2] 2017年8月1日,全新优化升级的吉利新博瑞正式上市,共推出2.4L和1.8T两种排量10款车型,售价为11.98—17.98万元,并新增了紫铜棕、晶钻白、钛晶灰三种车身颜色。 作为吉利iNTEC技术 …
北京车展: Geely Borui GE 全球首发,全新 PHEV 技术上身!
2018年4月25日 · Geely Borui GE 全球首发! 在两年一度的北京车展上 Geely 带来了两款全球首发车型,其中一款就是我们之前报道过采用 CMA 模组化平台打造的 全新 Geely Borui GE ,这款新车采用了全新的1.5L涡轮增压引擎加上插电式混合动力系统,不管是动力表现还是操控表现都很出 …
Geely Borui GE - Specifications. Chinese cars
Geely Borui GE Based on Geely GC9. Engines: 1.5T 180 hp L3, 1.8T 184 hp; Gearbox: DCT, Automatic; Price in China: 136.800 - 209.800 yuans ($18.470 - $28.320) Sales in China. Year: 2018. Specifications.
Geely Borui GE - MHEV, PHEV powertrains, display key, AEB, dual …
2018年5月30日 · Introduced at this year’s Beijing International Auto Show, the Geely Borui GE is the hybrid version of the existing Borui sold in China. Available with either a plug-in hybrid (PHEV) or mild...
Facelift For The Geely Borui Sedan In China - CarNewsChina.com
2017年7月10日 · This is the facelifted Geely Borui sedan, it will be launched on the Chinese car market next month. The facelift includes a redesigned grille and lights, new bumpers, new mirrors, an updated interior, and a new 1.8 turbocharged engine.