Geely South-East Europe
At Geely SEE, we bring superior solutions to the region as a proud partner of Geely, a pioneer of the new era of mobility. Geely is the automotive force of the future and a leading manufacturer …
Geely Hrvatska – kvalitetna vozila etabliranog brenda - geely-see…
Geely Galaxy L6 EM-i: Revolucionarni hibrid s dosegom od 2.000 km stiže uskoro! ... Pored vozila vrhunske kvalitete jamčimo vam i pružanje odlične usluge te u svim pogledima ugodnu kupnju. …
Geely Slovenija – kakovostna vozila uveljavljene znamke - geely-see…
Geely je pionirska in v novo dobo mobilnosti usmerjena znamka vozil, ki izstopa s svojim inovativnim pristopom k avtomobilskemu dizajnu in razvoju najbolj naprednih tehnologij. Z …
Geely SEE | LinkedIn
At Geely SEE, we bring superior solutions to the region as a proud partner of Geely, a pioneer of the new era of mobility. Geely is the automotive force of the future and a leading...
See the World in Full - Geely
In the years since, we’ve expanded across the globe, and each step in our journey has brought us closer to more inclusive mobility, a high-value ecosystem that enables people to see the world …
Geely Global
Geely Auto is a leading automobile manufacturer based in Hangzhou, China and was founded in 1997 as a subsidiary of Zhejiang Geely Holding Group.
GEELY吉利汽车-造每个人的智能精品车 -吉利汽车官方网站
吉利汽车以“创造超越用户期待的智能出行体验,打造科技引领型全球汽车企业,成为最具竞争力和受人尊敬的中国汽车品牌”为使命,引领中国汽车行业进入智能移动终端新时代,与世界共享 …
Geely - Wikipedia
Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co., Ltd. (ZGH), commonly known as Geely Holding (/ ˈ dʒ iː l i / ; Chinese: 吉利控股; pinyin: Jílì Kònggǔ), is a Chinese multinational conglomerate …
Brand - Geely
Geely Auto Group is a leading automobile manufacturer based in Hangzhou, China, and was founded in 1997 as a subsidiary of Zhejiang Geely Holding Group. The Group manages …
Geely Auto - Wikipedia
Geely Automobile Holdings Limited, commonly known as Geely Auto (/ ˈ dʒ iː l i / ; Chinese: 吉利汽车; pinyin: Jílì QÌchē), is a publicly traded automotive company predominantly owned by …