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Gemini – chat to supercharge your ideas
Bard is now Gemini. Get help with writing, planning, learning and more from Google AI.
My main research focus is on developing AI-based computational tools to solve chemistry problems. Feel free to reach me through email, Twitter, LinkedIn or my GitHub repository!
Geemi Wellawatte - Google Scholar
Geemi Wellawatte. Futurehouse. Verified email at futurehouse.org - Homepage. AI in Chemistry. Articles Cited by Public access Co-authors. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title. Cited by. Cited by. Year; Model agnostic generation of counterfactual explanations for molecules.
Associate Professor University of Rochester, Rochester, NY.
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Al Geemi Contracting L.L.C. was established in the UAE in 1979 by the esteemed Bin Hamoodah Brothers and Partners as a Specialized Infrastructure and Buildings Contractor with services provided to various Clients in Abu Dhabi, including Governmental, ADNOC and its Subsidiaries, Developers and other Local and International Main Contractors.
geemi725/XpertAI - GitHub
XpertAI harnesses the power of XAI and LLMs to uncover structure-property relationships and present them in natural language. Checkout the streamlit app! XpertAI NLEs are specific to a given dataset/task, provide scientific explanations, and are highly accessible to …
Geemi Wellawatte - futurehouse.org
Geemi is a chemist whose expertise lies at the intersection of AI and chemistry. During her PhD and postdoctoral studies, she worked on using AI and explainable AI to solve problems in the field of chemistry. Her main interests are on automating hypothesis generation, helping bridge the gap between AI and scientific discovery.
王炸!谷歌Gemini 2.0实测,这才是AI该有的样子!附使用教程!
Jan 10, 2025 · 最近, 谷歌的 Gemini 2.0 正式上线了,实测效果简直强到爆炸! 相比于 OpenAI 那 挤牙膏 式的12 天发布会,Gemini这次直接悄无声息地放了个王炸。 不夸张地说,这款产品的表现,真的可以用“惊艳”来形容。 所以我也第一时间就为我的AI工作流课程紧急补录了一期关于Gemini的教程。 在chatgpt 没有实质性提升且准备大幅涨价 200 美金/月,且在 Claude 大规模封号的前提下, 你完全可以试试Gemini 2.0,它的强大一定会让你感到惊喜的。 这篇文章也教大 …
Geemi ... Geemi