Great Temple of the Aten - Wikipedia
Akhenaten built the city along the east bank of the Nile River, setting up workshops, palaces, suburbs and temples. The Great Temple of the Aten was located just north of the Central City …
Aten Temples – Digital Karnak - UCSC
The in-situ remains of one of these buildings, the Gem-pa-Aten (“the sun disk is found”), were found east of the Amun-Ra temple precinct. The temple was fronted by an open court with a …
Temple of Amenhotep IV - Wikipedia
The Temple of Amenhotep IV was an ancient monument at Karnak in Luxor, Egypt. The structures were used during the New Kingdom, in the first four years of the 18th Dynasty reign …
The Karnak Temple Complex - Ancient Egypt Online
Akhenaten built a temple named Gem-pa-aten near Amun’s precinct during the first five years of his reign. After Akhenaten built Amarna, most of his building projects in Thebes stopped.
Aten Temples - Brown University
Left: plan of Karnak with Gem-pa-Aten to the east right: plan of the Gem-pa-Aten Left: plan of Amarna (ancient Akhetaten) with the temples in yellow right: reconstruction of Amarna Left: …
万神庙当时穹顶是怎么砌筑的? - 知乎
在柏林新博物馆 (Nueus Museum) 展出的疑似为 The Gem-pa-Aten Temple 的古埃及神庙复原模型里, 很容易看到整齐的石阵, 粗大的石柱, 厚实的高墙, 二进院子轴线上的打断以及狭 …
Akhenaten, the Savior of Karnak: Breaking Ties with “tainted” …
2018年2月27日 · On assuming power, this last ruler of the Eighteenth Dynasty ordered the systematic and wholesale dismantling of the Great Aten Temple in Akhetaten and more …
The Domain of Aten: The Temples of Aten at Karnak
2015年3月19日 · Excavations in east Karnak in the 1970s revealed the location of the Gem-pa-Aten Temple, which was used to celebrate his Heb Sed Festival. In connection with this …
Art, Architecture, and the City in the Reign of Amenhotep IV ...
2014年11月1日 · The seventeen-year reign of the pharaoh Amenhotep IV / Akhenaten is remarkable for the development of ideas, architecture, and art that contrast with Egypt’s long …
Category:Gem-pa-Aten - Wikimedia Commons
2024年2月20日 · The Gem-pa-Aten at Karnak in Luxor, Egypt, was constructed during the first four years of the reign of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten, when he still referred to himself as …