普赛普供应链管理(香港)有限公司/Pussup Supply Chain …
2024年10月16日 · 普赛普供应链管理(香港)有限公司是一家香港公司,商业登记号码为76520236,该页面展示了普赛普供应链管理(香港)有限公司的中文名称、英文名称、注册编号、商业登记号、成立日期、改名日期、公司状态、变更历史等信息,提供普赛普供应链管理(香港)有限公司详情企业报告定购服务。 已经成立了10个月19天。
Government e Marketplace (GeM) | National Public Procurement …
Government e-Marketplace (GeM) is the National Public Procurement Portal; an end-to-end online Marketplace for Central and State Government Ministries / Departments, Central & State Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous institutions and Local bodies, for procurement of common use goods & services.
GitHub - geminabox/geminabox: Really simple rubygem hosting
Geminabox lets you host your own gems, and push new gems to it just like with rubygems.org. The bundler dependencies API is supported out of the box. Authentication is left up to either the web server, or the Rack stack. For basic auth, try Rack::Auth.
发布你的 gem - RubyGems 指南
发布到 RubyGems.org 的 gem 可以通过 gem install 命令或使用 Isolate 或 Bundler 等工具进行安装。 首先,您需要在 RubyGems.org 上创建一个帐户。 访问 注册 页面并提供您控制的电子邮件地址、用户名和密码。
普賽普供應鏈管理 (香港)有限公司 (BR No. 76520236)
普賽普供應鏈管理(香港)有限公司 Pussup Supply Chain Management (Hong Kong) Limited於2024年05月06日在香港成立。 商業註冊編號是:76520236,公司類別屬於私人股份有限公司 ,直至今日,公司共運營了10個月18天。
Gem Push · Actions · GitHub Marketplace · GitHub
Action to push gems to a gem cutter compatible repository. Basically RubyGems or GitHub Packages. It expects the authentication to have already been setup, ~/.gem/credentials contains a token for the repo and you know the name of the key. See fac/ruby-gem-credentials-action for an action to set this up for you.
Victoria secret pushup - Gem
Victoria secret pushup. 980+ results – victoria’s secret multiway pushup bra. victoria’s secret date pushup bra. Victoria's Secret Pushup Wings 38D. Victoria's Secret V…
Artifactory - How to push ruby gems? - Stack Overflow
2019年6月24日 · From there, use gem push. The -k rubygems option corresponds to the line :rubygems_api_key in the ~/.gem/credentials file. gem push active_cube-0.0.9.gem --host https://gems.example.com/api/gems/gems/ -k rubygems --verbose
Victoria’s Secret very sexy runway gem push-up bra - Poshmark
Shop Women's Victoria's Secret Pink Size 34B Bras at a discounted price at Poshmark. Description: See pics. Sold by sparklypanda45. Fast delivery, full service customer support.
Royal Blue Adjustable Pushup Brazilian Bikini - Gem
Royal Blue Adjustable Pushup Brazilian Bikini - nic0lepaula · poshmark.com