Despite a name derived from the French word for ‘illusion’, the GEMBALLA MIRAGE GT is very real, and is a limited edition series of 25 very special cars based on the legendary Porsche …
Gemballa - Wikipedia
Introduced in 2007, the Mirage GT is a mid-engine sports car produced by Gemballa and based on the Porsche Carrera GT. Rumors suggested that when the car was produced it would have …
The GEMBALLA GT stamp puts a bolder face on this sleek Coupe, using lightweight carbon-fibre aero components, even larger wheels and a six outlet exhaust to express its latent energy in a …
GEMBALLA Germany - Home
The company made automotive history with the worldwide success of the limited edition, comprehensively refined iconic sportscars GEMBALLA AVALANCHE, MIRAGE GT, MIG-U1, …
Gemballa直接上手对普通的997卡雷拉开始改装,从最含蓄的gt套件(顶级的GT500也可爆发500马力)到极端的Avalanche GTR650。 雪崩套件跟最初一样,都使用了夸张的宽体套件和 …
搭载5.5升V10发动机的卡雷拉GT,原厂就能释放603匹,而GEMBALLA Mirage GT最大能发挥出670匹的马力,比普通版足足多了67匹。 外观上,除了换上更具空气动力学的前后包围、前机 …
保时捷GEMBALLA Mirage GT - 百家号
2024年10月18日 · 搭载5.7升V10强大引擎,经过精心调教后,马力高达670匹,扭矩也达到了惊人的630牛米。 至于价格,这款GEMBALLA Mirage GT更是达到了令人咋舌的1380万,甚至超 …
基於Carrera GT打造的的最後一輛Gemballa Mirage GT交車了!10 …
2019年5月26日 · Porsche Carrera GT原廠5.7升自然進氣V10汽油引擎經過Gemballa的電腦ECU升級後,最大馬力由原廠設定的612匹提升至680匹,巔峰值扭力也增至64.24公斤米。 …
实拍车:全球限量25台 纯正赛车血统 Gemballa Mirage GT静态评 …
2020年8月10日 · 实拍车:全球限量25台 纯正赛车血统 Gemballa Mirage GT静态评测 声明: 本文由入驻搜狐公众平台的作者撰写,除搜狐官方账号外,观点仅代表作者本人,不代表搜狐立场。
Gemballa Mirage GT - Gemballa - Car Detail - Assetto Corsa …
The key differences are the interior, exhaust system, wheels and aero packages. The car looks more aggressive and also has been tuned to have more horsepower and torque than a stock …