Generation Zero Forum
Official Game and Forum Information This category contains our forum Code of Conduct, and will as time goes on contain useful information related to Generation Zero and related platforms. 4
(Spoilers) Ending makes no sense - Generation Zero Forum
2019年4月8日 · Okay so yesterday I finished gen 0 and the ending make zero sense. Okay who the heck was on the intercom, who was the one who blew the bunker sky high, and the origin of the robots was only vaguely specified. He said this is where I was born but I am not here. Please Graham I need answers. Also I must say that the only part of the story that actually felt like it wasn’t copied and pasted was ...
5th Anniversary Newsletter - Generation Zero Forum
2024年3月26日 · Greetings, Survivors! Another year of surviving against the machine threat has passed and Generation Zero is turning 5 years old. We can’t overstate how happy we are that we’ve been able to support this game we love so much for such a long time, bringing you new content, quality of life, and of course bug fixes. Let’s have a look at the last 5 years of development. From the initial ...
Community Requests Update - Patch Notes - Generation Zero …
2024年3月27日 · Greetings, Survivors! Surprise! We just released an update focused on Quality of Life and stability - the Community Requests update! We’ve been working on this for a while and are thrilled to bring it to you today. Its contents are largely based on what we saw the community ask for. Of course, future updates will continue to bring features and changes requested by you all, but this was the ...
Companion and pUpdate (18-07-2023) discussion (Spoilers)
2023年7月12日 · Companion Update is coming on the 18th of July '23. Free for all players. Companion! Build it, customize it, use it in combat! Companion intro mission: Making Friends Companion Accessories DLC for even more customization! Bugfixes! Reaper Loot bug, Shock ammo bug, and more are gone Patch Notes drop on July 17th Available Stations are added to the map. Players can suggest other names to be ...
The Final Showdown - An Update On Generation Zero
2024年11月5日 · Greetings, Survivors! It’s been a while since we released the August 2024 Update, and many of you have been asking what’s next. Well, we’re here to answer that question today. Over the past six years, we’ve added tons of new features and content to Generation Zero; Base Building introduced a home to customize and defend, Soviet Machines joined the fray as a new faction, the Companion ...
[EXPLAINED] How The Home Base Defense Mission works
2021年5月5日 · Platform: ps4 Description: cant start new wavedefence because regionscore is to low but its maxed out. Steps To Reproduce: start new game, try to engage wavedefence, difficulty doesnt matter Images / Videos: Host or Client: host Players in your game: SP **Specifications:**all dlc
Generation Zero - Full story exploration [Uploaded]
2020年2月9日 · I wonder if anything in-depth has been discussed about this game. I really wish to see fully fleshed ideas and concepts backed on known facts about the story and catch up with the game’s story. There are some secrets and some visual information that by only being a location, or two, can seriously impact the impression of how the story went down.
Generation Zero story timeline
2024年1月1日 · Hi Since story in Generation Zero is presented piece by piece and without chronological order, it makes understanding a whole story difficult. So, to understand the whole story, I’ve collected the dated story pieces from the Generation Zero (including from all the DLCs) and ordered the pieces in the chronological order. Characters: Vanilla game Fredrik Holberg - Director of FOA. Svante von ...
[PC] Game will not save / Progress not saved - Generation Zero …
2021年6月3日 · The save folder and save file should automatically be created on booting the game and reaching the main menu. Your save file can be found here; Documents\Avalanche Studios\GenerationZero\Saves; If you haven’t already, consider trying “verifying integrity of game files” and see if that fixes it. You can do so by right-clicking GenZ in your ...