Genco Erkal - Wikipedia
Genco Erkal (28 March 1938 – 31 July 2024) was a Turkish drama actor. He starred in the 1983 film A Season in Hakkari, which won the Silver Bear - Special Jury Prize at the 33rd Berlin …
Genco Erkal - Vikipedi
Genco Erkal (28 Mart 1938, İstanbul - 31 Temmuz 2024, [2] İstanbul), Türk tiyatro ve sinema oyuncusudur. 1959 yılından başlayarak Türkiye'nin önemli özel tiyatro topluluklarında oyuncu …
Genco Erkal: Usta tiyatrocu 86 yaşında hayatını kaybetti - BBC
2024年7月31日 · Usta tiyatrocu ve sinema oyuncusu Genco Erkal, 86 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. Erkal bir süredir kan kanseri tedavisi görüyordu. Duayen sanatçı, 2 Ağustos'ta İstanbul'da …
Son Dakika: Genco Erkal hayatını kaybetti! Tiyatro efsanesi Nâzım ...
2024年7月31日 · Tiyatroseverler Türkiye'de politik tiyatronun gelişiminde öncü rol oynayan 86 yaşındaki Genco Erkal'dan iyi haber beklerken, dev tiyatrocunun kan kanseri sonucu hayatını …
Famous Turkish theater director, actor Genco Erkal bids farewell …
2024年7月31日 · Renowned Turkish actor and theater director Genco Erkal has died at the age of 86 after battling leukemia. His final social media post, made just hours before his death, has …
Veteran actor Genco Erkal dies at 86 - Hürriyet Daily News
2024年7月31日 · Veteran theater actor Genco Erkal, the founder of Dostlar Theater in Ankara, died of leukemia on July 31 at the age of 86. He was known as the “master of one-man plays.” …
Veteran Turkish actor who stood trial on Erdoğan ... - Turkish Minute
2024年7月31日 · Genco Erkal, a distinguished Turkish actor and director known for his extensive contributions to Turkish theater and cinema as well as his political activism and outspoken …
Genco Erkal kimdir, nerelidir, kaç yaşındadır? Genco Erkal neden …
2024年7月31日 · 86 yaşındaki tiyatrocu ve sinema oyuncusu Genco Erkal vefat etti. Usta oyuncu, vefatından hemen önce bir Nazım Hikmet şiir ile sevenlerine veda etmişti.
Genco Erkal - Biyografya
Theatre director and actor. He was born on the 28th of March 1938 in Istanbul. He completed his primary and secondary education in Galatasaray High School and Robert College. He …
Genco Erkal - IMDb
Genco Erkal was born on 28 March 1938 in Istanbul, Turkey. He was an actor and director, known for Strike the Interests (1982), At (1982) and The Market: A Tale of Trade (2008). He was …