Apple Rootstock Info: G.969 – Apples - Extension
Aug 22, 2019 · G.969 is a semidwarfing rootstock that is resistant to fire blight, crown rot, and woolly apple aphid. It is classified as having growth control between M.7 and MM.106. The …
Geneva® 969 Semi-Dwarf Apple Rootstock
Geneva® 969 is a newer semi-dwarf rootstock in the EMLA 7 to EMLA 106 size class. It will produce a tree that is about 50-70% of standard. It is resistant to wooly apple aphid and highly …
Apple Rootstocks: Capabilities and Limitations - Penn State …
Geneva 969 (G.969) is a semi-dwarfing rootstock hybrid from a cross of Robusta 5 x Ottawa 3. It is resistant to fire blight, crown rot, and woolly apple aphid with good cold hardiness. It is …
Several Geneva® rootstocks appear to have tolerance/resistance to apple replant disease. The resistance may be due to the initial screening for Phytopthora disease which may also have …
Apple Rootstock - Adams County Nursery, Inc.
GENEVA® 969 (G-969) Developed by Cornell University in Geneva, NY, G-969 grows a tree somewhere between EMLA 26 and EMLA 7 in vigor, but more precocious. It is a hardy stock …
G.969 Apple Rootstock - Cummins Nursery - Fruit Trees, Scions, …
An excellent choice for a free-standing, disease-resistant tree of M.7 size. Also known as Geneva 969. G.969 is resistant to fireblight, collar rot, and woolly apple aphid.
Geneva 969 — TRECO®
Geneva® 969 is a good replacement for Geneva® 30. It is Precocious and free standing and suitable for weak soils and or weak growing varieties. Geneva® 969 was a planned cross …
The GENEVA® Apple Rootstocks perform differently in Washington State conditions in comparison to the data displayed here that was collected in New York State. Please contact …
Rootstocks for Apples | Extension | West Virginia University
Geneva 969 is a semi-dwarf rootstock producing trees in size like M.7. It is winter hardy. Good yielding potential. It is showing low suckering and burr knot potential.
Apple Rootstocks - Tree Connect
Geneva 969 (G.969) is a semi-dwarfing rootstock hybrid from a cross of Robusta 5 x Ottawa 3. It is resistant to fire blight, crown rot, woolly apple aphid and phytophthora, with good cold …