Steel magnet: De Krook Library, Ghent, Belgium, by RCR …
2019年3月6日 · Designed by the Catalan office RCR Arquitectes (Pritzker Prize winners in 2017), in cooperation with Belgian architects Coussée & Goris Architecten, it has been heralded as a ‘landmark’, ‘a real meeting place’, ‘a connection point’ and, according to the alderman for culture, ‘a wow effect’ that ‘gives back the city to its ...
De Krook - Wikipedia
De Krook is a library and media center in Ghent (Dutch: Gent), East Flanders, Belgium. It is an initiative of the city of Ghent, Ghent University and IMEC, and describes itself as "a place of inspiration for knowledge, culture and innovation" in the city. [1][2] The library opened its doors on 10 March 2017, though construction was not fully ...
RCR arquitectes, Coussée & Goris Architecten, Tim Van de Velde · …
What used to be a neglected corner of the city is now a 'balcony to the city'. 'De Krook' is intended as an ‘open house for knowledge and innovation,’ it harbors a collective of institutions including the city library and wants to be a cultural catalyst to the city.
De Krook library by RCR + Coussée & Goris | METALOCUS
De Krook is the new city library of Ghent, designed by Spanish architecture firm RCR Arquitectes and the Belgian firm Coussée & Goris architecten, after a competition in 2010. The monumental building, which incorporates works by artist Michaël Borremans, intended as an ‘open house for knowledge and innovation' and cultural catalyst to the city.
Waalse Krook Media Library, Gante - Coussée & Goris architecten RCR …
The new media library, in the center of Ghent, sits at a bend of the krook, the canal that runs through the city and reaches its lowest level at this point, marking the two ‘zero levels’ of the …
Stadsbibliotheek De Krook - VAi
2017年1月3日 · De Krook is the City of Ghent’s public library, a building that is both isolated and yet integrated into the urban fabric. Despite its central position, it occupies a site that was all but inaccessible until the construction of the building and layout of the public space. The library is imposing yet finds its place within the surroundings.
Stadsbibliotheek De Krook — Architectuur Platform Gent
Het project omhelst de bouw van een Mediatheek voor de Stad Gent bestaande uit een stadsbibliotheek met publieke agora, een leescafé en polyvalente zalen, aangevuld met kantoren, vergaderzalen, onderzoekslokalen en studio’s voor de universiteit Gent en …
Ghent: De Krook Library - Culture and Creativity
De Krook is part of a large-scale urban renewal project that bundles knowledge, culture, and innovative entrepreneurship. The multifunctional building adds a 21st-century architectural landmark in a city dating back to the early Middle Ages …
0908 De Krook - Coussée Goris Huyghe architecten
KROOKProgramMultimedia Library i.c.w. RCR Arquitectes Location Ghent (BE) Design 2010 Status Built, 2012 - 2018 Client Cvba Waalse Krook, SOGent, Stad Gent Consultants SB Mouton, VK engineering, G&V, Artec3 Studio, Digipoli, Raum + Akustik, Blasco acoustic design & engineering, TV-Aries-advisers, Evolta, ABO, SECO Artists Michaël Borremans, Thomas Bogaert Photography Marie-Françoise Plissart ...
Ruwbouw De Krook klaar voor inrichting | Stad Gent (Persruimte)
Op 26 augustus wordt het baanbrekend ontwerp van THV COUSSÉE & GORIS architecten / RCR arquitectes voor het eerst getoond aan de pers en de partners. De opening van de Krook is gepland op 10 maart 2017.
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