Genny Zero - Genny Mobility
Genny Zero: Electric mobility, unique design and performance. A vehicle that combines aesthetics and technology for an unforgettable driving experience. Discover the future of electric mobility.
Ottobock | Genny Zero
Introducing Genny Zero, the revolutionary e-mobility aid designed to transform the way you move. Balancing effortlessly on two wheels, Genny Zero uses cutting-edge stabilisation technology to ensure smooth and intuitive control. With just a simple shift of your upper body, you can navigate freely and confidently, no hands needed.
Genny Zero: Electric and Design Wheelchair - Genny Mobility
Genny Zero is the self-balancing, compact electric wheelchair that revolutionizes the concept of mobility. Genny Zero gives you maximum freedom of movement and unparalleled comfort. When driving the Genny Zero, every move becomes an unforgettable experience.
Genny Zero - Producten - 2KERR
Italian design, latest technology. Suitable for beach, forest, and city. Active steering with brake button. Interchangeable batteries and LCD display. Discover the new Genny Zero self-balancing mobility aid.
Genny Zero | Ottobock.care
Nasce Genny Zero, un ausilio rivoluzionario per la mobilità elettrica progettato per trasformare il vostro modo di muovervi. In equilibrio e senza sforzo su due ruote, Genny Zero utilizza una tecnologia di stabilizzazione all'avanguardia per garantire un controllo sempre fluido e intuitivo.
坐式平衡车 - Genny Zero - Genny Mobility
更轻 Genny™ 是企业家保罗-巴达诺(Paolo Badano)的心血结晶,他因一场微不足道的车祸与轮椅相伴二十多年。 由于这次事故,保罗多年来一直试图改善自己的日常行动能力,但一直没有找到能让他摆脱传统模式的方法。 四轮轮椅不仅限制了他的行动,而且往往在美观上存在问题,而且其技术也明显过时。 直到 2009 年,由迪恩-卡门(Dean Kamen)设计、赛格威公司(Segway Inc. 由于赛格威是一种要求使用者直立的设备,保罗的想法是让 "坐着的人"(保罗经常用这个定义 …
Genny Zero - Genny Mobility
Genny Zero: Mobilità elettrica, design e prestazioni uniche. Un veicolo che combina estetica e tecnologia per un'esperienza di guida indimenticabile. Scopri il futuro della mobilità elettrica.
Discover all Seated Segways - Products - 2KERR
Looking for an electric wheelchair, mobility scooter, or Segway? Discover the advanced alternative: the balance wheelchair. Balance wheelchairs combine smart technology with ultimate comfort. They are more maneuverable, versatile, and intuitive to operate than a traditional electric wheelchair or mobility scooter.
Genny Zero - Experience a New Type of Journey - YouTube
2023年10月31日 · Choose Genny Zero to embark on a completely new journey and experience unparalleled dynamism and convenience. 🛒: https://www.gennymobility.com/en/ Genny Zero is a brand new way of traveling....
Revealing the new Genny Zero at REHACARE 2022 - YouTube
Genny Factory has launched the latest model of its self-balancing wheelchairs at REHACARE 2022. In this interview, Luca Wullschleger reveals why REHACARE is ...