Geo (NPC) - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Should he succeed in uniting with every primal, he will have become the ultimate entity and gained enough power to fulfill his self-proclaimed mission: to bring tranquility to the world by …
Geo - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
A mysterious primal beast encountered by the crew on an island scarred from battle. Within his mind lie countless personas and egos that have manifest...
What is the endgoal with Geo? : r/Granblue_en - Reddit
2023年3月19日 · Geo gets more characterization on Freyr's Fate Episodes as it shows what he had been doing before meeting the crew, why he does what he does, what his end goal is and …
碧蓝幻想中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有限公司
资料缺失期间还请多利用站内链接访问 、 等站点获取所需资讯 维基建设相关内容请参考 和,也可以关注微博 了解最新更新情况 如果发现wiki有错误需要纠正,可至 反馈,或私信更新姬告知 …
Kinda wild they put this in Freyr's Fate Episode, seeing he got ...
2022年3月8日 · It also supports the main theory that ive seen a lot of people posit this event: that Zooey and Geo are the two halves of the Cosmos that worked with Lucifer, likely being split …
科斯莫斯 - 碧蓝幻想中文维基|Granblue Fantasy|碧蓝幻想Relink|碧 …
对敌方单体造成4.5倍光属性伤害 自身 技能使用间隔缩短 (1回合) 处于调谐圣环时:自身 奥义再发动
[Granblue Fantasy] Lv 100 Geo ジオ HL - Primal Resonance Event
[Granblue Fantasy] Lv 100 Geo ジオ HL - Primal Resonance Event Neo DarkSaber 6.64K subscribers Subscribed 17 1K views 5 years ago
菲莉 - 碧蓝幻想中文维基|Granblue Fantasy|碧蓝幻想Relink|碧蓝幻 …
透き通る蒼を基調にあえかな雪花を散りばめた幽玄なる一品。 古式に則る風情を残しつつも、袖や裾、さらには背中の大胆な縫製には、製作者の意欲と挑戦が見て取れる。 以通透的苍蓝 …
8th Anniversary event announced. Zooey VS. Geo - Reddit
2021年12月12日 · Zooey is basically the avatar of humanity, and Geo is the avatar of primal beasts. Maybe new lady is the avatar of the astral race? By that logic there should be avatars …
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
2023年1月26日 · A mysterious primal beast encountered by the crew on an island scarred from battle. Within his mind lie countless personas and egos that have manifested as multiple …