What's all actually IN the Geofront? : r/evangelion - Reddit
So we know the Geofront was supposedly created when one of the "moons" collided with earth, way before mankind even began. But in the timeline of the series, we see that the Geofront is …
How Does the Geo Front work? : r/evangelion - Reddit
2023年4月9日 · Tokyo-3 gets obliterated at some point, so the geofront is exposed to the open sky. how exactly do you get down from the surface if the power is out Who knows. There might …
Why did the Angels attack the Geofront/Nerv HQ? : r/evangelion
2021年5月5日 · I've finished Eva for quite a while now but it just hit me. The angels shouldn't be attacking the Geofront, but instead should be looking for Kaworu. Before ep 24 you assumed …
Trails to Azure Official vs Geofront translation differences
2023年1月11日 · Worth noting the Geofront translations are hardly low effort localizations. They use official terms from the localized games, are extensively edited and proofed, and Nisa's …
Geofront working on a fan localization for The Legend of
2023年1月6日 · The Geofront is embarking on a new pilgrimage—to localize the first entry in Falcom's esteemed Gagharv trilogy: The White Witch. geofront.esterior.net You would not …
A couple Geofront Questions... : r/evangelion - Reddit
2023年4月23日 · Just finished watching the original series and the end of evangelion. I have a few questions about the GeoFront/black moon. -If the geofront is located underneath Tokyo-3, …
The Geofront announce Trails to Azure (Ao no Kiseki) Fan
2020年6月10日 · Greetings, fellow detectives! This is Zerker from the Geofront’s C Sector, and today has been a long time coming. While it has only been three months since we released …
Geofront Fan Translation Team partnership with NISA to bring …
2021年6月25日 · The Kai versions are why they aren't dubbing them, because it would make the games expensive to localize and probably push everything another 6ish months. Nayuta is like …
Trails to Azure Geofront translation releasing May 22.
2021年5月17日 · Geofront's work is only for PC. There is a fan patch of a fan patch to implement their localization for Zero into the Vita version, I think it still needs a little work and Azure will …
[FanTranslation] The Geofront's The Legend of Heroes: Trails
2020年3月9日 · But anyone in Geofront's position would have faced similar roadblocks to completing it vs. incentives to focus all efforts and additions onto a platform that can better …