Geophone - Wikipedia
A geophone is a device that converts ground movement (velocity) into voltage, which may be recorded at a recording station. The deviation of this measured voltage from the base line is called the seismic response and is analyzed for structure of the Earth.
Geophones | Classification of geophones- Seis Tech
Seismic geophone is a type of sensor that converts ground movement or a kind of vibration into voltage, which could be acquired by the acquisition system. The deviation of this measured voltage from the base line is called the geophone response and is analyzed for structure of the earth, reflected inner structure of earth crust or monitoring ...
地震检波器 - 百度百科
地震检波器是把传输到地面或水中的地震波转换成电信号的机电转换装置,它是地震仪野外数据采集的关键部件。 陆上地震勘探普遍使用电动式检波器,海上地震勘探普遍采用压电式检波器。 涡流检波器是20世纪80年代发展起来的一种新型检波器,(2016年)受到关注与重视的是基于微机电机械传感技术(MEMS技术)的数字地震检波器。 [1] 电动式地震检波器的外形和结构如图1所示。 它由 永久磁铁 、线圈和弹簧片组成,磁铁具有很强的磁性,它是地震检波器的关键部件;线 …
Guide to GEOPHONE: A High-Sensitivity Instrument for Seismic …
2024年5月20日 · The AIMIL GEOPHONE is a vertical upright geophone with high sensitivity for precise seismic measurements. It converts ground vibrations into electrical signals using a coil in a magnetic field. Key specifications include a natural frequency of 5 Hz, intrinsic voltage sensitivity of 155 V/m/s, and a coil resistance of 4200 Ω.
2018年10月20日 · Nowadays the most widely used geophones are velocity geophone and acceleration geophone. Different types of geophones have different seismic data response and different qualities of seismic data. In this paper, the relationship between the two kinds of signals is explained by the differences of the electromechanical transformation principle of ...
What do I need to know about geophones? - Guideline Geo
2021年10月5日 · There are three types of common geophones: vertical, horizontal and multi-component. And these can have different frequencies. Typically, we use vertical geophones for refraction and surface wave studies and horizontal geophones for reflection and multi-component for some advanced studies of the ground motion. Also see 3C and Omnidirectional below.
Geophone Research - Stanford University
Geophones are highly sensitive ground motion transducers that have been used by seismologists and geophysicists for decades. Figure 1 shows both an isometric and cross-sectional view of a geophone, which uses the motion of a spring supported coil in the field of a permanent magnet to generate an output signal.
检波器 - SEG Wiki
用来将地震能量转换成电压的仪器; seismometer, seis, detector, receiver, jug, bug, 或者 pickup。 地震检波器通常仅响应与地震波通过有关的地面位移,速度或加速度的一个分量。 三个相互正交的检波器用于记录所有三个组成部分。 参见 triphone。 大多数陆地地震检波器是动圈式的。 参见图 G-5。 FIG. G-5. 检波器. (a)基本元件示意图:具有惯性质量的导线(或线圈)在磁体移动时保持稳定。 (b) 动圈式检波器的一半。 (c) 数字地震检波器的剖面图。 (Courtesy Geo Space.) …
Geophone | Seismic, Vibrations, Detection | Britannica
Geophone, trade name for an acoustic detector that responds to ground vibrations generated by seismic waves. Geophones—also called jugs, pickups, and tortugas—are placed on the ground surface in various patterns, or arrays, to record the vibrations generated by …
K.U.M. 地震检波器 Geophone —— 一款灵活的低频深海地震检波器
K.U.M. 地震检波器 Geophone提供了出色的信噪比,具有用于 3C 地震检波器的特殊压力外壳,位于主仪器外部,仅通过一根柔性电缆连接。 这样,检波器就可以与主仪器本身(例如: OBS)产生的任何的可能导致数据不准确的有害噪声分离。
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