F-16 FIGHTING FALCON - Bundeswehr
The F-16 is a single-engine fighter aircraft. It has a fuselage length of about 15 meters and a wingspan of about nine meters. The American fighter jet has an empty weight of 9,000 kilograms and reaches a top speed of Mach 2, or about 2,100 kilometers per hour.
General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon - Wikipedia
The General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon is an American single-engine supersonic multirole fighter aircraft originally developed by General Dynamics for the United States Air Force (USAF). Designed as an air superiority day fighter, it evolved into a successful all-weather multirole aircraft with over 4,600 built since 1976. [4]
General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon operators - Wikipedia
Several commands of the United States Air Force (USAF) as well as the United States Navy (USN) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) use various models of the F-16 Fighting Falcon. In 2007 the USAF operated 1,245 F-16s with 701 with active forces, 490 with Air National Guard and 54 with Reserve.
MiG-29 vs. F-16 – which is the better fighter aircraft?
2012年9月7日 · F-16 was designed to be a cost effective, light multirole (fighter-bomber) jet that could be a support to the more expensive F-15 Eagle. On the other hand the MiG-29 is a typical air-superiority fighter jet.
F-16 - Spangdahlem Air Base
Die F-16 Fighting Falcon ist ein kompakter Mehrzweck-Abfangjaeger mit hoher Manoevrierfaehigkeit, der sich im Luft- und Erdkampf bewaehrt hat. Er bietet den Luftstreitkraeften der USA und verbuendeter Nationen ein Hochleistungs-waffensystem zu relativ geringen Kosten.
General Dynamics F-16 – Wikipedia
General Dynamics produzierte die F-16 zunächst in zwei Versionen: die F-16A war die reguläre Kampfversion und die F-16B die zweisitzige Variante zur Ausbildung. Der erste Start einer F-16A fand im Dezember 1976 statt; im Januar 1979 wurde das …
F-16战隼战斗机 / General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon(第一部 …
F-16“战隼” (英语:General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon)是由 通用动力公司 (现 洛克希德·马丁)研制的 战斗机,基于美军的“轻型战斗机计划”(英语:Lightweight Fighter、LWF)从事开发,起初设计为一款 制空 战斗机,用以辅助 美国空军 主力战机 F-15 形成高低配置,服役后在几度追加机能下成为一款多用途战机 [4],是产量最高的 第四代战斗机。
Germany Will Not Supply F-16 Fighters To Ukraine, Chancellor …
2023年5月21日 · Germany’s participation in the possible international supply of F16 fighter jets to Ukraine is out of the question, as Berlin does not have those aircraft in the first place, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Sunday.
The ultimate F-16, F-35 and F-22 reference - F-16.net
The 22nd Fighter Squadron started receiving the first F-16s in 1994. The squadron came from the neighbouring Bitburg AB, Germany. There were two F-16 units based at Spangdahlem AB – being the 23rd FS and the 480th FS.
Why the F-16 is one of Nato’s most important fighter jets - YouTube
The F-16 fighter is the mainstay jet for many militaries around the world, having been used in multiple conflicts, including now in Ukraine. BBC News Weapons...