OSM - Landuse
OSMLanduse: OSM land-use/land-cover information mapped to CORINE classes (see below) The layer is also provided as a Web Map Service (WMS) at https://maps.heigit.org/osmlanduse/service that you can use in your GIS software.
EOC Geoservice Land Cover - Germany - DLR
The mapping of the land cover and land use was performed on the basis of satellite remote sensing images. The first CLC data base CLC1990, which was finalized in the 1990s, consistently provided land use information comprising 44 classes, …
EOC Geoservice Maps - Land Cover DE - DLR
It contains seven land cover types: (1) artificial land, (2) open soil, (3) high seasonal vegetation, (4) high perennial vegetation, (5) low seasonal vegetation, (6) low perennial vegetation and (7) water with a spatial resolution of 10m x 10m.
Land use - German Federal Statistical Office - Statistisches …
Housing and construction are facing an increasing conflict between desired comfort, rising costs and ecological requirements. This is reflected by the data on new residential buildings, the majority of which have been multi-family houses recently.
EOC Geoservice Land Cover DE - DLR
This layer contains a land cover classification of Germany which was created using Sentinel-2 imagery and LUCAS in-situ reference data (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/lucas).
Maps and geodata - German Federal Statistical Office
Selected maps and data offered by the statistical offices of the Federation and the Länder for download and reuse.
Germany 2020 - Land cover based on Sentinel-2 data - mundialis
Apr 23, 2021 · Using the automatic method to create annual land cover classifications for the whole of Germany, developed by mundialis, an up-to-date land cover map for 2020 has now been created (classification maps for 2016 and 2019 are available here). The map includes the classes built-up area, grassland, forest, agriculture, vegetation-free soil and water ...
Land Cover Classification Maps of Germany - ArcGIS
The capability of our method is demonstrated by mapping 19 land cover classes across Germany for the year 2016 based on Sentinel-2A data. Since climatic conditions and thus plant phenology change on a large scale, the classification was carried out separately in six landscape regions of different biogeographical characteristics.
Land Use - Berlin.de
What does the structure of use reveal upon closer inspection? Find answers here and discover more about the topic of land use in our city. This map provides you with detailed and systematic data from the past decades.
New DFD Land Use and Land Cover Map for Germany
Jun 10, 2016 · Scientists have developed a new land use and land cover map for Germany at high spatial resolution, forming the initial basis for a long year serial of such maps. The product was generated from all available Landsat-7 and Landat …