GitHub - Godastera/gesior-aac: GesiorAAC for OpenTibia …
Clone the Gesior-AAC From Github. change the permission for write in /cache. This website have some security implements, here you can use apache2 to apply them. run these commands to maximize your security. on ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04 go to apache folder and edit your config. and search for something like this:
GitHub - liontts/gesior-aac: Layout based on tibia.com, supports …
Layout based on tibia.com, supports new 10x and 12x versions. - liontts/gesior-aac
GitHub - whiteprojectcrixu/gesior-aac: GesiorAAC for OpenTibia ...
Clone the Ferobra Premium Gesior From Github. change the permission for write in /cache.
Gesior AACGesiorACC 2019 8.60 UPDATE 29/06/2019 - TibiaKing
2014年10月28日 · Atualização de 29/06/2019. Olá meus amigos, essa é a minha última contribuição free que faço na área de OTserver, fiz uma atualização bem completa do Gesior comparando com os que existem disponíveis, não vou falar muito pois grande parte já conhecem... Vou apenas posta algumas imagem das mudanças...
[Gesior-AAC] - Xart Edition!! [TFS 0.4 & 0.3.6pl1] - OTLand
2009年5月7日 · I wanted present the new editions Gesior-AAC, this special version is creat on TFS 0.4, but i want creat for TFS 0.3, mayby in the next version I'll meet my dream and onther user. Project: The project was start developed in the new year 2011.
[Tutorial] Gesior AAC 0.3.1 Guide - OTLand
2008年11月27日 · Press on 1. Set server path there you should add were the server folder is located(ex. C:\Users\PLBRSWE\Desktop\0.3a2-console) Here you need to have the right SQL settings in the config.lua becaus the AAC will take information from there.
Gesior AAC by Marco Oliveira - OTLand
2017年1月25日 · GitHub - mudroock/Gesior-AAC: Based on the official layout of tibia.com created by cipsoft. Reply. Reactions: Unvincible. Felipe Monteiro Webmaster. Joined Feb 27, 2009 Messages 460 Reaction score 59 Location Brasil. Jun 28, 2017 #2 Nice! Reply. OP . OP. Mudrock Member. Joined Jan 25, 2017 Messages 102 Reaction score 19 Location
MyAAC | myaac
MyAAC is a free and open-source Automatic Account Creator (AAC) written in PHP. It is a fork of the Gesior project. It supports only MySQL databases. Official website: https://my-aac.org. if you're reading this), into your webserver's document root. MyAAC needs proper permissions to handle files correctly. chown -R www-data.www-data /var/www/*
[Canary][OTServBR-Global][GesiorAAC][MyAAC] Set up
Tutorial to set up the initial character using GesiorAAC and MyAAC.
Gesior 2012 - Account Maker [website] for OTSes, account maker ... - GitHub
Gesior 2012 - Account Maker (website) for OTSes. Version for TFS 1.5 engine with login.php for 12+ client ( https://github.com/otland/forgottenserver/tree/1.4 ). Tested on PHP 7.0-7.4 and 8.0 …