rsync: getcwd(): No such file or directory (2) - Server Fault
2014年4月28日 · The getcwd(): No such file or directory (2) error message was related to $PWD, not the source, and not the destination. Just change the folder to an existing one (e. g. cd ~) and re-run the script.
Mounted network drive: cwd can't find current directory
2020年3月11日 · The strange thing is that this is not very repeatable or predictable - sometimes I can run os.getcwd() fine on the mounted drive, sometimes not, and I can't find a pattern.
Can not start apache server - Server Fault
This question does not appear to be about server, networking, or related infrastructure administration within the scope defined in the help center.
yum - createrepo fails with os.getcwd - Server Fault
i found the problem os.getcwd () throws exception because as it turned the directory i was in was deleted by another process. all i needed to do was to change to a valid directory. interesting watson.
Call to pythons os.getcwd returning odd results on Lustre …
2015年8月14日 · I have a python application that makes quite a lot of calls to os file system calls such as stat and getcwd. The application is being run by an SGE queue manager on a Lustre filesystem connected to the nodes by infiniband interconnect.
python - rsync-path: No such file or directory when used with ...
2016年12月22日 · I use rsync to deploy code from one server to another. On a staging directory I build the application by placing all files (e.g. php scripts) like they should appear on the remote application serve...
ssh - Directories cease to exist while using tmux - Server Fault
2019年4月30日 · For example, I get errors like sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory after a few hours, or The folder you are executing pip from can no longer be found if I run pip.
Rsync from Ubuntu server to mounted NAS - Input/output error (5)
I am trying to rsync some backup files from a ubuntu server into a mounted NAS. All works well except for a big 13GB gz file which shows this error: rsync: close ...
Nginx config reload without downtime - Server Fault
2012年4月11日 · Run service nginx reload, /etc/init.d/nginx reload, /usr/sbin/nginx -s reload or /usr/sbin/nginx reload It will do a hot reload of the configuration without downtime. If you have pending requests, then there will be lingering nginx processes that will handle those connections before it dies, so it's an extremely graceful way to reload configs. Sometimes you may want to …
docker - Bind mount one container FS tree into another for debug …
2022年3月10日 · I'm testing out k8s debugging features including debug pods and ephemeral containers, and I just can't work out how to properly map a "target" pod's file system into the debug container. ...