Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) - Mayo Clinic
2024年5月30日 · Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a procedure done under general anesthesia. During this procedure, small electric currents pass through the brain, intentionally causing a …
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Has Changed: What You Should …
2024年10月23日 · Typically, ECT is for people ages 18 and older with severe depression who have tried multiple treatments, including antidepressant medications, but experienced no or …
ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy): What It Is & Side Effects
2022年4月6日 · Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a medical procedure that involves passing a mild electric current through your brain, causing a short seizure. This procedure is proven to …
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) > Fact Sheets > Yale Medicine
Electroconvulsive therapy, or ECT, is a medical procedure in which a small electrical current is used to trigger a controlled seizure in the brain. It is primarily used to treat severe depression, …
Electroconvulsive Therapy | Stanford Neurodevelopment Affect …
What is electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and when is it used? ECT is an effective form of treatment for people with depressions and other mood disorders. ECT may be used when a …
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is an extremely safe and effective medical treatment for certain psychiatric disorders. ECT is a procedure in which a small amount of electricity is applied to …
Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Use of Electroconvulsive Therapy
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a clinical procedure where a small dose of electric current is passed through the brain for a brief period to induce seizures for therapeutic purposes in …
Electroconvulsive therapy - Wikipedia
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) or electroshock therapy (EST) is a psychiatric treatment during which a generalized seizure is electrically induced to manage refractory mental disorders. [1] . …
Medication management during electroconvulsant therapy - PMC
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has demonstrated to be highly effective and safe, even life saving for many psychiatric disorders such as major depression, bipolar disorder and …
How Electroconvulsive Therapy Works?: Understanding the …
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a time tested treatment modality for the management of various psychiatric disorders. There have been a lot of modifications in the techniques of …