Gevo - Dragon Ball Wiki
Gevo, a high-ranking Red Ribbon Army soldier, is the son of Dr. Gero and Vomi. Dr. Gero, a founding member and the head scientist of the Red Ribbon Army, is recognized for creating the first androids and designing the army's weaponry.
Gevo | Dragon Ball World Wiki | Fandom
Gevo was the son of Dr. Gero and Vomi and the uncle of Dr. Hedo.[2] Gevo was physically similar in appearance with Android No. 16. He wore a RR Army military soldier outfit. Gevo was born to Dr...
Gevo | Dragon Universe Wiki | Fandom
Gevo (ゲボ, Gebo) was a high-ranking soldier in the Red Ribbon Army.[2] Gevo was at some point a member of the infamous Red Ribbon Army, and held a high-rank in the affiliation and was killed by an enemy fire.[2] He was used as the model …
格罗博士 - 百度百科
格罗博士是日本 动漫 《龙珠》中的角色之一,由矢田耕司配音。 格罗博士, 红缎带军团 的科学家。 在红缎带军团被 孙悟空 消灭后,他矢志报仇,一直在研制能够打败悟空的 人造人,最后将自己也改造成了人造人,也就是人造人20号。 后来他被 比克 击败后,逃回了研究所,最后被叛变的人造人 17号 和 18号 杀死。 [1] 格罗博士长发白须,是一个干瘪老头形象,身着夹克,头上带有印着红缎带军团R的黑帽,属于吸收能量型人造人,通过杀人吸取别人能量,手掌上也装着能够吸 …
Dragon Ball: The Gero Family Tree, Explained - Game Rant
2023年9月1日 · Dr. Gero's legacy persists well into the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero storyline. Here's a breakdown of his family tree.
Two Of Dragon Ball's Most Underrated Characters Get A Heartfelt …
2024年10月13日 · Android 16 was created with the likeness of Gero’s son, Gevo, and as a weapon to use against Goku to exact revenge for the Red Ribbon Army's defeat. However, 16 defied his programming and became gentle and peaceful …
Dragon Ball: Is Android 16 the son of Dr. Gero? Explained
2024年3月2日 · Android 16 has been confirmed to be based on Dr. Gero's son, Gevo, as was revealed in the 2022 Dragon Ball film Super Hero. His son died when fighting Goku since the former was a soldier of the...
Dragon Ball: Dr. Gero and Android 16's Relationship, Explained
2024年9月2日 · Android 16's true identity is Dr. Gero's late son, Gevo, modeled to be physically identical. The Androids are easily some of the most beloved villains in Dragon Ball Z. The Android Saga, also...
Has Toriyama or anyone ever sketched a young Dr. Gero? We ... - Reddit
2022年7月14日 · Gevo seems to be like Trunks in that he’s one of the few Dragon Ball offspring that actually take physical traits from both their mother and their father instead of looking exclusively like one parent, so I we could extrapolate that he took his facial features from Gero and hair color & style from Vomi like how Trunks got Vegeta’s facial ...
Dr. Gero - The Codex
Dr. Gero, also known as Android 20, is a major supporting antagonist in the Dragon Ball franchise. He is a genius scientist who is the mastermind behind the Red Ribbon Androids, chief amongst them the bio-organic Cell. Dr. Gero is the main antagonist of the Androids Saga. This dropdown contains the synopsis of Dr. Gero’s story.
Dragon Ball: Toyotaro finalmente revela el aspecto de Gevo, el …
2024年4月25日 · Uno de los personajes más misteriosos de Dragon Ball es Gevo, el hijo del Dr. Gero. Tal vez nunca hayas escuchado hablar de él, pero seguramente has visto su imagen, pues el Androide 16 fue hecho por el malvado científico de la Patrulla Roja con la intención de replicar el perfil de su hijo perdido.
Dr Gero là ai-Tiến sỹ Gero là ai - Android 20 là ai-sức mạnh của Dr Gero
2022年6月26日 · Dr. Gero (ドクター・ゲロ, Dokutā Gero) còn được gọi là Android 20, là một nhà khoa học thiên tài của quân đội ruy băng đỏ, kẻ đã chế tạo ra rất nhiều Android hùng mạnh, tiêu biểu là Cell. Tiến sỹ Gero cũng là người gián tiếp reo rắc tương lai bất hạnh cho Future Trunks.
So, since she cameo'd in dragon ball super hero does that mean ... - Reddit
2023年5月9日 · Android 21 is based off Dr Geros wife, while Android 16 was based off his son. Considering how young she looks, she probably died long before his Android technology was advanced enough to make the Cyborg enhancements. Until 17 and 18, they were all fully mechanical. What's crazy is how Dr.Gero got this bombshell as a wife AND had a kid.
Dragon Ball: The Mystery of Android 16's Origins. Explained
The Evidence for Android 16 Being Dr. Gero's Son. Appearance: Android 16 bears a striking resemblance to a young man briefly shown in a flashback during Dragon Ball Z. This individual, revealed to be Dr. Gero's deceased son, Gevo, shared 16's physical features, including his long hair and distinctive facial structure.
Android 21's 'human template' has been made canon in Dragon
2022年8月3日 · As we learned in Dragon Ball FighterZ, Android 21's original "human template" was heavily implied to be the wife of Dr. Gero and mother of Gevo, who are basically Android 20 and Android 16...
Cómo era Gevo, el modelo para el Androide 16 - Vida Extra
2024年4月18日 · De manera oficial, se estableció que el androide A16 se creó basándose por completo en Gevo, el hijo fallecido del Dr. Guero y soldado de clase alta de la Red Ribbon. Mientras que la Androide 21 estaba basada en Vomi, la fallecida mujer del propio Dr. Guero, también afín a la Red Ribbon y, por extensión, la madre de Gevo.
I just realized something. Dr. Gero actually got his revenge.
2018年7月10日 · Dr. Gero only goal during the Android saga was to kill Goku for destroying the red ribbon army and while he did die before he could see it. When goku sacrified himself to get rid of the self destructing cell. That was when Dr.gero when cell exploded. And I never realized that.
Dragon Ball's Vomi and Where She Came From, Explained - CBR
2023年3月25日 · Carmine's video presentation on the eccentric scientist Dr. Hedo reveals his family tree, informing viewers that the famous DBZ villain Dr. Gero is Hedo's grandfather. The tree also shows that Gero was married to a woman named Vomi, meaning she is both the mother of Gevo (the human Android 16 was based on) and Dr. Hedo's grandmother.
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Makes Android 21 Canon at Last
2022年8月24日 · According to the film’s lore, Dr. Hedo is related to Dr. Gero and a woman named Vomi who became the inspiration for Android 21. It is likely the former turned his wife into an android through...
Dr. Gero | Villains Wiki | Fandom
Dr. Maki Gero, also known as Android 20, is a major antagonist in the Dragon Ball franchise. He is an evil genius scientist and a brilliant weapons designer behind the criminal organization known as the Red Ribbon Army.