Reciprocal space maps (RSM) of pristine and irradiated GaFeO3 …
Download scientific diagram | Reciprocal space maps (RSM) of pristine and irradiated GaFeO3 films. (Left) RSM data for GFO (0 4 0) & YSZ (0 0 2) reflections. Bottom reflections are for YSZ (0...
Reciprocal space maps (RSM) of pristine and irradiated GaFeO 3 …
Figure 5 shows the RSM data of all the films measured in symmetric and asymmetric configurations i.e. about GFO(0 4 0) and GFO (0 6 2) reflections. The first conclusion that can be drawn from...
Reciprocal space maps (RSM) measured with different in-plane …
The effects of swift heavy ion (SHI) irradiation in epitaxial thin film of magneto-electric GaFeO3 (GFO) deposited on (0 0 1) oriented yttria-stabilized zirconia substrate are reported.
2019年6月26日 · elongated array of GFO nano-grains and the crystallographic tilting between film and substrate as observed from reciprocal space mapping (RSM). The epitaxy is found to persist even with a dose of 2×1013 ions cm−2 from the RSM. The …
anyone using nopox in rsm max? | Reef Sanctuary
2014年2月1日 · I have been controlling my phosphates using gfo. It works well but is a pain and truthfully works to good. If I run it I get 0 reading on my hanna test and if I don't change it often or turn it off I have brown stuff on my sand. Not sure if it is is diatom or cyno. I am looking for a alternative method.
Bio pellet reactor or Sulfur denitrator - Equipment Forum
2011年12月22日 · I want to run either a BRS Bio pellet reactor with a GFO/Carbon reactor plumbed into the output to filter out any waste from the first reactor and to take care of the phostphates like mentioned OR
How do I plumb a BRS reactor into a RSM 650 Manifold?
2019年3月4日 · I have a RSM 650 and the manifold has a barbed outlet (3/4" from what I can tell) and I'm looking to plumb it into my BRS GFO&Carbon Reactor. Not sure what pieces I would need. The BRS reactor takes a 1/2" tube as a quick connect
My RSM 500s - Introduce Yourself - PNWMAS
2018年4月26日 · Hey guys my name is Jason, I figured it was time to introduce myself. I am fairly new to reefing, and love this hobby! I currently have: Red Sea Max 500s 3 AI Hydra 26 HDs UV Ozone GFO reactor APEX controler Maxspect XF250 Stock: 3 Helfrichi Firefish 1 Midas Blennie 1 Coris Wrasse 1 Mccosker's Wr...
响应曲面(RSM)设计方法简介 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
响应曲面设计 是用来研究因子 (影响因素 X)与过程输出 (响应变量 Y)之间是否存在 二次项 关系,进而找出因子最优配置的一种试验方法。 寻找产生“ 最佳 ”响应的因子设置; 寻找满足操作或过程规范的因子设置; 确定新操作条件; 建立因子与响应之间关系的模型; 如果 自变量 的个数较少(通常不超过 3 个),则响应曲面方法是较好的 优化设计方法 之一; 响应面法 特别适用于响应变量 望大 或 望小 的情形 ,而 参数 稳健设计 方法 将更适合于响应变量 望目的 的情形。 (1) …
Optimization of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of …
2010年4月30日 · Unsaturated fatty acids, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids, were the dominant fatty acids in GFO. α-Tocopherol is the major tocopherol and antioxidant constituent in GFO. Response surface methodology (RSM) is an effective technique for analyzing and optimizing the extraction processes by supercritical carbon dioxide.