GGACR - A.B.A Overview - Dustloop Wiki
2025年3月8日 · A.B.A is a pure Risk/Reward character who thrives on duality. She can be considered a cross between a rushdown and stance change character, who swaps between two different modes to bulldoze over her opponents. A.B.A begins the round in Normal Mode (NM), in which she lacks damage and mobility.
GGAC/A.B.A - Dustloop Wiki
2023年12月24日 · Dustloop focuses on the competitive elements of these games, and provides instructional content aimed at helping players improve. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Arc System Works or any other developers whose games are featured on this site.
GGACR - A.B.A Starter Guide - Dustloop Wiki
2024年5月19日 · Keygrab — A.B.As most important special. Transforms her to Moroha mode on hit, functions as both a command grab and a hitgrab. Force Break Slide — Much improved version of meterless slide. Fully invul for entire duration. 2S — Slower than Normal 2S but great otherwise. Lets you kill the opponent on counter hit.
A.B.A | Guilty Gear Wiki | Fandom
A.B.A is a recurring character in the Guilty Gear series, who made her debut in the spin-off Guilty Gear Isuka. She is an artificial life-form, or homunculus, from Frasco who lived in complete isolation for years before going out to the world. Her weapon as well as husband (according to her) is the key-shaped axe Paracelsus.
アバ (GUILTY GEAR) - Wikipedia
アバ (A.B.A) は、 アークシステムワークス の2D対戦型格闘ゲーム『GUILTY GEARシリーズ』に登場する架空の人物。 「フラスコ」と呼ばれる研究所で生まれた ホムンクルス の女性。 鍵型のネジを貫通させた頭部に赤毛のショートカットと、体全体に白い包帯を巻いているという特徴的な容姿を持っている。 『STRIVE』では髪型が浅葱色をしたロングヘアになっており、カチューシャを着けている。 10年間フラスコで過ごした後、外の世界に出た時に鍵状の斧に出 …
GGXXAC+R - How To Play ABA (Mixups & Combos) - YouTube
The text version of this tutorial (i.e. my notes) are not... very pretty to look at. So I'll publish the later.ABA's Frame Datahttp://www.dustloop.com/wiki/i...
アクセントコア アバ TOP - GGXX/Xrd Wiki - Seesaa Wiki
2010年3月28日 · ギルティギア初心者です、アバを使いたいので、誰かアバの情報詳しくお願いします。 戦い方とか、どのように練習すればいいのかとか、よろしくお願いします。 2D格闘ゲームであるGUILTY GEAR(ギルティギア)シリーズ全般の攻略・情報を超まとめているWikiで …
Guide :: Using Custom Palettes for GGXXAC+R with Palmod. - Steam Community
2022年5月15日 · Using Custom Palettes for GGXXAC+R with Palmod. Palmod is a program that allows you to create custom palettes for many fighting games, +R being one of them. Using Palmod, you can replace nearly any palette in the game with your own, ranging from character palettes, to effect palettes (Sol's gunflame, Ky's lightning), to HUD palettes!
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R Wiki - Dustloop Wiki
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R is the final revision of Guilty Gear XX. Released six years after the previous installment: Guilty Gear XX Accent Core, Accent Core Plus R contains a large amount of balance changes. Some characters have had minor tweaks while other characters have been completely reworked.