约 2 个结果

Python: How do you split a string if the line starts with "ggggg"?
First of all, str.split() only splits on literal text, or in the case of using None (the default), arbitrary whitespace.
How to determine all sequences of genes, within an RNA , where a ...
2020年12月10日 · cat file GGGT CCAAA AAAACCGGTT CCCCT AAAAAG AGTTG GGGGGT TAACGG AAAAT Then you can use this grep with an alternation regex: grep -E 'G.*T|T.*G' file GGGT AAAACCGGTT AGTTG GGGGGT TAACGG -E: enabled extended regex mode in grep. We may also use grep 'G.*T\|T.*G' file; G.*T|T.*G will match a line with G and T in any order.