Pet grooming tub - with fitting and anti-slip mat | GGM Gastro
Avoid unpleasant odors and dirt in in your establishment with our pet care tub. TÜV Saarland award In an official analysis by TÜV Saarland Germany, we were awarded top marks for price/performance and customer satisfaction. Our employees do their best every day to offer you an excellent shopping experience.
Pet grooming tub - with stairs, faucet and anti-slip mat | GGM …
Avoid unpleasant odors and dirt in your premises with our pet grooming tub; Design. Professional stainless steel pet grooming tub for grooming your pet
mit Armatur und Anti-Rutsch Matte - GGM Gastro
Haustierpflegewanne - mit Armatur und Anti-Rutsch Matte Art.-Nr.: HTPW. * die Abbildung kann vom Original leicht abweichen. Art.-Nr.: HTPW. inkl. Tiefstpreisgarantie. * Bruttopreis inkl. 19% MwSt.: 380,79 €, inkl. Versandkosten. Inkl. Material zur Montage.
人形机器人关节模组企业哪家强? 人形机器人关节模组企业哪家 …
2024年11月4日 · 行星关节模组包括HTDW系列和HTPW系列,主要行星齿轮减速机+无刷直流电机组成,采用独特的嵌套结构,有效的降低了空间占有,提升了扭矩密度,拥有低齿槽转矩和转矩脉动,外加双绝对值编码器,支持FDCAN,CAN和485等多种协议,能够实现力矩、速度、位置控制。 摆线关节模组包括HTCP系列和HTCW系列,集成“摆线减速机+无刷电机+双编码器+驱动器”,做到真正零背隙,输出端编码器精度达到19位,拥有寿命高,低噪音的特点。 图片来源:微悍 …
GGM Gastro | HTPW | Dierenbad - voor huisdieren - Amazon.nl
GGM Gastro | HTPW | Dierenbad - voor huisdieren : Amazon.nl: Huisdierbenodigdheden. Ga naar primaire content.nl. Wordt bezorgd aan Amsterdam 1079 Locatie bijwerken Alle. Selecteer de afdeling ...
s armaturou a protiskluzovou podložkou - GGM Gastro
S mobilní sprchovou hlavicí je čištění vašeho domácího mazlíčka hračka. Výrobek nese označení CE. Zatím nebyly zveřejněny žádné recenze. Neváhejte se podělit o svůj názor a napište první …
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高斯图模型、精度矩阵、偏相关系数、贝叶斯估计(利用贝叶斯做 …
高斯图模型(Graphical Gaussian model,GGM)非常适合用来估计大量金融机构间的相互关联,高斯图模型是一种连续的概率图模型。 假设X=(X1,X2,…,Xn)是一个N维随机向量,服从多元高斯分布,μ代表是均值,Σ代表协方差矩阵。
Dierenbad - voor huisdieren - GGM Gastro
Apparatuur van hoge kwaliteit, professioneel advies en op maat gemaakte producten tegen de beste prijzen! Eenvoudig huren of goedkoop kopen. Snelle en gratis levering. 24-uurs hotline.
This is a simple implementation of GGM Puncturable ... - GitHub
This is a simple implementation of GGM Puncturable Pseudorandom Function [GGM’86]. Partial Code was from Aura. Further reading can be find in link and link. A puncturable PRF consists of three algorithms (Setup, Punc , Eval). Setup: It takes a security parameter and outputs a PRF key.