模拟IC笔记—ESD ggNMOS放电曲线 - 知乎
ESD放电曲线 二次击穿 当漏极电流继续增加,ggNMOS会进入二次击穿(Vt2,It2)状态,二次击穿通常是由NPN的VBE的负温度系数导致的:电流增大温度升高,VBEon减小,NPN电流进一步增大,如此往复,恶性循环导致二次击穿。
ggNMOS - Wikipedia
Grounded-gate NMOS, commonly known as ggNMOS, is an electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection device used within CMOS integrated circuits (ICs). Such devices are used to protect the inputs and outputs of an IC, which can be accessed off-chip (wire-bonded to the pins of a package or directly to a printed circuit board) and are therefore subject ...
浅谈ESD防护——NMOS的妙用 - u12u34的日志 - EETOP 创芯网论 …
2022年8月19日 · 目前主流的ESD-NMOS有两大设计思路:GGNMOS(Gate Ground NMOS),GCNMOS(Gate Couple NMOS)。 其中GGNMOS最为常见,设计最为简单。 但是其巨大的寄生电容使其在serdes与AD-DA等领域应用受限。 而GCNMOS与GGNMOS完全是两种工作原理,GCNMOS的应用场景更为广阔,使用更为灵活,且相较于GGNMOS晦涩复杂且玄学的器件级仿真,GCNMOS可以在cadence中进行电路级仿真,使得其在电路设计人员眼中的可靠 …
GGNMOS ESD 保护仿真 - Cogenda
栅极接地的 N-MOS(ggNMOS)是一种常见的 ESD 保护器件,基本器件结构如左图所示。 一种简单的电路连接方式是,栅、源、衬底三端接地,漏端与 I/O 管脚连接。
ggNMOS (grounded-gated NMOS) – Sofics – Solutions for ICs
2023年1月26日 · For decades, a traditional workhorse device for ESD protection for standard applications in CMOS technology has been the grounded-gate NMOS device (ggNMOS). Nevertheless, we have been explaining the operation of this device countless times, including as recently as 3 weeks ago.
ESD characteristics of GGNMOS device in deep sub-micron …
The thesis researches in deep sub-micron CMOS (Complementary MOS) technology and MOS device physical dimensions impacting on GGNMOS's ESD characteristics. And the conclusion provide evidence for the device layout design.
GGNMOS ESD Protection Simulation - Cogenda
Gate grounded N-MOS (ggNMOS) transistor is a popular ESD protection device. The structure of a basic ggNMOS is illustrated at left. In a simple configuration, the gate, source and substrate terminals are grounded, while the drain terminal is connected to the I/O pad.
Design of GGNMOS ESD protection device for radiation-hardened …
2020年12月8日 · In this paper, the ESD discharge capability of GGNMOS (gate grounded NMOS) device in the radiation-hardened 0.18 μ m bulk silicon CMOS process (Rad-Hard by Process: RHBP) is optimized by layout and ion implantation design.
GGNMOS as ESD protection in different nanometer CMOS process
2015年3月16日 · Grounded-gate NMOS (GGNMOS) plays a more important role in electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection because of its simple structure and low trigger voltage. Various GGNMOS based on 90nm, 65nm and 40nm CMOS process are compared to investigate its ESD characteristic changes with process advancing.
An Enhanced Gate-Grounded NMOSFET for Robust ESD Applications
2019年7月1日 · Gate-grounded n-channel MOSFET (GGNMOS) has been widely used in electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection applications. In this letter, an enhanced GGNMOS, called the EGGNMOS, is proposed and demonstrated. The new device has the same topology as the conventional GGNMOS, except that a few P+ regions are …
ggNMOS (grounded-gated NMOS) - Design And Reuse
For decades, a traditional workhorse device for ESD protection for standard applications in CMOS technology has been the grounded-gate NMOS device (ggNMOS). Nevertheless, we have been explaining the operation of this device countless times, including as recently as 3 weeks ago.
Investigation on the layout strategy of ggNMOS ESD protection …
2015年4月1日 · Gate-grounded NMOS (ggNMOS) transistors have widely served as electro-static discharge (ESD) protection devices for integrated circuits. The layout strategy of ggNMOS greatly influences its ESD...
Design of GGNMOS ESD protection device for radiation-hardened …
2020年12月1日 · In this paper, the ESD discharge capability of GGNMOS (gate grounded NMOS) device in the radiation-hardened 0.18 μ m bulk silicon CMOS process (Rad-Hard by Process: RHBP) is optimized by layout and ion implantation design.
In this paper, we present AC simulation results of the grounded-gate NMOS (ggNMOS) ESD protection device utilizing a two-dimensional device simulator and extract its AC equivalent circuit. The ggNMOS device is chosen since it has been the most popular protection device in …
Predicting the ESD window of GGNMOS using neural network
Neural network modeling method for predicting the electro-static discharge (ESD) window of Gate-Grounded NMOS (GGNMOS) is introduced in this work. Compared with TCAD simulation, the time consumption is reduced by 6 orders of magnitude, and …
In this paper, the GGNMOS layout optimization design of ESD devices is presented. It is better to solve the multi-fingered non-uniform conduction of ESD devices under electrostatic pulse.
ESD保护电路中GGNMOS的建模及仿真 - 百度学术
研究中所建立的模型与其它模拟工具的不同之处在于它的专用性及完整性,即考虑了ESD应力下各种特殊效应且专用于ESD保护电路中的GGNMOS.具体表现在:1),基于ESD下GGNMOS特有的LNPN管开启及泄放电流的作用,把雪崩击穿和LNPN管的特性结合起来;2),基于ESD下特有的大电流 ...
Understanding ESD Characteristics of GGNMOS in Bulk FinFET …
Device geometry and process options in advanced FinFET show effects on ESD performance. In this paper, the impacts of layout parameters of gate length and drain ballast distance on the grounded-gate NMOSFET (GGNMOS) are investigated and …
Design of GGNMOS ESD protection device for radiation
2020年12月1日 · In this paper, the ESD discharge capability of GGNMOS (gate grounded NMOS) device in the radiation-hardened 0.18 μ m bulk silicon CMOS process (Rad-Hard by Process: RHBP) is optimized by layout and ion implantation design.
Substrate-engineered GGNMOS for low trigger voltage ESD in 65
2011年12月1日 · Unlike other avalanche based ESD device, the proposed GGNMOS shows no obvious snapback and extremely lower trigger voltage (∼2.8 V). The proposed GGNMOS is an already-on device under the ESD-zapping condition, so the required substrate current to trigger on the NPN bipolar transistor can be provided by the on current of the power bus ...