Geolocated Health Facilities Data initiative
Geolocated Health Facilities Data (GHFD) initiative seeks to turn this global gap into a global good. The initiative provides support for developing: Once developed, this framework will assist countries, regions, and the world in accelerating progress toward WHO's Triple Billion targets and the Sustainable Development Goals.
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About the GHFD - World Health Organization (WHO)
2022年10月4日 · About the Geolocated Health Facilities Data initiative
These lists are accessible as a Global Public Good through a Global Health Facilities Database (GHFD). This database will be standardized, regularly updated, and open, serving as the central repository for the health facility's name, location and type while assigning each a unique code.
A standardized and open Global Health Facilities Database (GHFD) that serves as the central repository for health facility information will help Member States better prepare for health emergencies, increase their capacity to leverage data, create more efficient, effective, and targeted programs, and transform data availability from a global gap ...
˜˚˛˝˙ˆˇ˛˘see e e N) World Health W Organization
GH-FD-常开防火门监控模块 - ghele.cn
用于监控常开单/双扇防火门的工作状态,将其状态信息反馈至监控器;也可以通过总线将监控器的指令传送给电磁释放器,电动闭门器或门磁开关。 > 双扇时只占用一个编码点,节约系统内的编码货源。 用于监控常开单/双扇防火门的工作状态,将其状态信息反馈至监控器;也可以通过总线将监控器的指令传送给电磁释放器,电动闭门器或门磁开关。
英语中为什么字母组合 gh 有时候发 /f/ 音,有时候不发音? - 知乎
日尔曼语中的/x/音在 古英语 中是用字母组合gh来表示的,随着语言的发展,摩擦音/ x/消失了,gh 前边的元音变长了 (这就是gh前的元音常发长音的缘故),但/x/音的拼写符号gh却保留了。
GH-FD-I防火门监控器 - managett.com
GH-FD-I防火门监控器(简称监控器)是j9.com公司为适应工程设计的需要而开发的一款产品。 满足GB 29364-2012《防火门监控器》标准要求,为室内使用设备。
Geolocated Health Facilities Data initiative
2022年7月28日 · What is a Health Facility Master List (HFML)? The unique, complete, up-to-date and uniquely coded list of all the active and prior health facilities in the country officially that …
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