Don't Drink And Drive | Get Home By Grace
GHBG is committed to reducing alcohol/drug-impaired driving among the community by providing a: free, safe, no-questions-asked, ride home.
ABOUT - get home by grace
Annual revenue comes primarily from individual donors. The leadership of Get Home by Grace strives to maximize every dollar donated in order to provide as many free rides to alcohol/drug-impaired drivers as possible. All gifts made to GHBG are tax …
WHO WE ARE - get home by grace
We are friends and family who lost a very special girl. We are committed to honoring Sarah Grace by saving lives-one by one.
because ONE is TOO many 5K - get home by grace
2019年2月25日 · We are excited to invite you to participate in Get Home By Grace’s inaugural 5Krun/walk event, “because ONE is TOO many” on Sunday, February 26, 2023, at Hometown Heroes Park, 1001 E. League City Parkway, League City, TX. 77573. Join us as we raise awareness keeping our communities safe from the devastating effects of getting behind the …
NEWS - get home by grace
June 2023-NHTSA releases State Alcohol-Impaired-Driving Estimates. Search. Rhonda Dearmond
WHAT WE DO - get home by grace
The flags honor loved ones taken too soon at the hands of an impaired driver. The Students of Character, a Clear Falls High School student committee, dedicated time and effort and recruited people outside of the committee to help put flags together, cut, weed vinyl, and ultimately place them outside the school building to display.Facts shared by NHTSA were announced at the …
Should we be grateful? - ghbg.org
2023年6月22日 · I'm not sure that we should be. Let's say I'm a 10-year-old child. My father is killed by a drunk driver. The driver is charged and will go to trial. A year passes. Two years pass-no trial date yet. A third-year passes. Now I'm 13. A fourth-a fifth year. I'm 15 and the person responsible for the death of my father is finally going to trial. He is found guilty and sentenced …
When will it end? - ghbg.org
2023年6月22日 · It won't. Or at least not until we ALL decide enough is enough and demand our lawmakers to get serious about this issue-this tragedy-this 100% preventable crime. Drunk driving crashes causing fatalities has not gone away. Why? This isn't a cancer waiting on a cure. This is simply an irresponsible selfish person who drinks-drugs and drives A N D quite possibly kills …
2020年12月13日 · Plan Before You Party • If you have ingested an impairing substance such as marijuana, alcohol, or any form of drug, legal or illegal, do not drive. Passengers should never ride with an impaired driver. If you think a driver may be impaired, do not get in the car. • If you are drug-impaired, pass the keys to a sober driver who can safely drive you to your destination. …
FAQ | get home by grace - ghbg.org
Does the race benefit a charity? Yes, not only does this race benefit Get Home By Grace, but it will also benefit: the Kelsey Nalepa Scholarship Fund, the Sam Mixon Memorial Fishing Club, and the Mason Nelson Memorial Baseball Club.