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553 SERIES - GHK Airsoft
GHK Airsoft 553 series rifle : 551(BK)Tactical, 553(BK)Tactical, 553 (Cerakote)
553 - GHK Airsoft
GHK已將槍托做結構補強. 測試力度:80kg*9.81m/s^2=784.8N. 堅固耐用 穩穩地! 長度:480~740mm(槍托摺疊) 內管:245mm. 重量:3050克(含彈匣) BB:6mm 毫米. 容量:32+1發. 動力:雙系統設計 12Kg Green Gas 瓦斯、Co2 小鋼瓶. 玩具槍使用安全注意事項:
GHK SG553 Gas Blowback Airsoft Rifle w/ Cerakote Finish
This gun has a muzzle velocity rating (FPS) between 366 and 500, and is compliant for export to Canada. Manufacturer: GHK. FPS Range: 370-395. Magazine Capacity: 32 Rounds. Compatible with GHK SG553 gas blowback magazines. Established in Taiwan in 2008, GHK began as the leading manufacturer of AK style gas blowback rifles.
【問題】討論:GHK 553評價 @野戰 (生存) 遊戲 哈啦板 - 巴哈姆特
2021年2月18日 · 553是走德國G36構型的彈匣,匣殼有能夠橫向連接其他彈匣的耳型榫。 但非常不實用,因為槍本身就很重,再橫掛彈匣的話更加重負擔,而且會影響出槍瞄準與折托。
ghk目前所推出的為sg553-1版本,以目前sig 552/553實槍設定來說,兩者外型一模一樣,也皆採用平頂1913上機匣,唯一不同的是瓦斯導桿與覆進簧結構,552覆進簧桿位在槍機後方,553則改為前方,ghk也比照實槍553內部設定,這點是十分值得一提的!
GHK SG553 戰術魚骨版 Cerakote GBB 瓦斯槍 GHK-553-1
GHK 在推出其全新設計的GBB 瓦斯成槍—-GHK 553. GHK 553槍身為鋼板衝壓方式成型,前準星座、瓦斯鋼管、外槍管、防火帽、槍機及火控組皆為鋼製零件,在火控設定上也如實槍具有單發及連發的設定,前護木、握把及槍托均為尼龍加纖材料製作,硬度與耐用度都有一定的強度並可對應真品規格。 槍身使用CERAKOTE真槍烤漆 (H-120)處理,強度及耐用度都不是一般烤漆所能比擬的,GHK 553只需拉開槍機就可轉動HOP-UP,槍管採14mm逆牙設定,可自行更換火帽或消音 …
GHK 553 Tactical GBB Airsoft ( 2023 Version Cerakote Version )
GHK 553 Tactical GBB Airsoft ( 2023 Version Cerakote Version ) SKU / Code. - A faithful recreation of the 553. - Reinforced side folding stock. - Flip-up front and rear sights. - Comes with 32 rds GHK gas magazine that is inter-lockable. All GBB / Pistol are tested before ship out. When we test any guns, tiny scratch cannot be avoided.
GHK Tactical SG553 Gas Blowback Airsoft Rifle (Black)
The GHK Tactical SG553 is a very solid airsoft replica of the real SG553 now with a full picatinny railed handguard , and being a gas blowback rifle it becomes even more realistic than an AEG would be. Externally, the rifle features a realistic metal receiver set, …
GHK 553 Tactical GBBR (Cerakote Version) | RedWolf - RedWolf …
Reinforced side folding stock. Flip up front and rear sights. Comes with a 32-round GHK gas magazine that is interlockable. This product is only compatible with gas designed specifically for Airsoft guns. Do not use lighter fluid or butane gas, as that will cause permanent damage. Out of Stock. Photos for reference only.