GHK Airsoft AK series rifle : AKM,AIMS, AKMS,AK74,AK74MN,AKS74U, AK105
GHK AK74 GBBR Airsoft | RedWolf - RedWolf Airsoft
Best blowback AK on the market with stable full auto fire performance. Steel and wood construction means this gun is as real as it gets. It also has a side mount for you to add any optics! This product is only compatible with gas designed specifically for Airsoft guns. Do not use lighter fluid or butane gas, as that will cause permanent damage.
GHK AK74 AKS-74MN Steel Receiver Full Metal Airsoft GBB …
Metal outer barrel and full steel front end assembly, AK adjustable sight system, upper receiver / bolt cover, front sight and flashhider; Real scale hand grip; Easy disassembling; Realistic hard kick blowback; Reinforced steel bolt assembly, steel trigger assembly; Manufacturer: GHK. FPS Range: 370-420. Specifications:
GHK AK74MN GBBR Airsoft | RedWolf - RedWolf Airsoft
In 1991 the Izhmash factory in the city of Izhevsk began full scale production of a modernized variant of the AK-74, the AK-74MN "modernized", folding stock assault rifle that offers more versatility compared to its predecessor.
GHK - AK74 GBB氣動槍
ghk經典ak鋼製槍身gbb氣動槍系列。 鋼板沖壓槍身本體,QPQ染黑表面處理,重現AK質感。 仿真的側邊鋼製鏡軌,可搭載俄系瞄具。
GHK Steel Bodied AKS-74U Airsoft GBB Rifle w/ Real Wood …
This gun has a muzzle velocity rating (FPS) between 366 and 500, and is compliant for export to Canada. Free shipping within lower 48 US states, no coupon code needed! Manufacturer: GHK. FPS Range: 380-400. Established in Taiwan in 2008, GHK began as the leading manufacturer of AK style gas blowback rifles.
GHK Full Metal GK74 AK74 Airsoft GBB Rifle with Real Wood …
FPS Range: 370-420. This is the New GHK GK74 (AK74) GBB Rifle. This gun features an Airsoft GBB rifle made out of as much steel as possible to imitate the prefect collector's item. The internals are also a solid metal reinforced setup that have been redesigned with optimal performance in mind.
GHK AK74 瓦斯槍,GK74 GBB步槍,全金屬長槍,俄羅斯卡拉希 …
插入槽更加方便上彈,可與原廠塑膠匣和GKM鐵匣交互使用。 驚人顯著的後座力,優良的彈匣氣化效率。 搭載側邊鏡軌,鋼製扳機組,輕量化鋼管,特殊火帽。 連發會打嗝,就是因為罐太多氣,造成連發 射速會忽快忽慢唷! 任何時候,槍口不可對人,隨時關保險,槍口一律朝下! 禁止射擊人畜,他人財物,以免觸法! 用槍需戴護具,以免誤擊受傷。 千萬不可任意將槍借人使用! 槍借人一定馬上壞,他的不當行為您要負連帶責任! 外出請以槍盒或槍袋包裝攜帶,切勿耍帥 …
GHK AK74 AKS-74MN Steel Receiver Gas Blowback Airsoft Rifle - BLACK
The GHK AK74 Polymer GBB Airsoft Rifle features a realistic hard kicking GBB system and a Stamped steel receiver. It also carries a folding stock for CQB areas
GHK AK 全鋼製 AK74 GBB 突擊步槍 GHK-AK74 – 杰丹田 生存遊 …
GHK AK74 GBB瓦斯步槍實木托標準型, GHK在AK74上延續製作AK系列的一貫堅持,在性能與外觀兩者皆力求完美。 仿真AK74樣式實木上下護木及實木槍托。 全鋼製槍身,軍規QPQ製程表面處理。 鋁製槍量化外管、鋼製板機及鋼製覆進簧座。 仿真規格側邊鏡軌座,可安裝各式AK鏡軌及光學瞄具。 大容量飛機,出氣量大,射擊效能優秀。