Gibson Repair & Restoration Shop - The Gibson Lounge - Gibson …
2021年4月23日 · The Gibson Repair & Restoration Shop is the ultimate workshop for guitar repair, restoration, valuation, certification, and warranty work on new and vintage guitars. The Gibson Repair & Restoration team offers a highly skilled and trained staff of experienced luthiers and techs in our state-of-the-art climate-controlled environment.
Gibson Jumbo Guitars - Gibson Acoustic - Gibson Brands Forums
2024年11月2日 · I'm going down the Rabbit hole on Gibson Acoustic Jumbo Guitars. I've owned my Gibson Bozeman Masterbilt J-160E for about 22 years. It is a Fabulous Guitar. I also own an Epiphone Paul Mc Cartney Inspired By Texan. Which is a good Guitar. I started another Thread about J-45's a while back which has taken me deeper than I imagined.
Gibson USA - Gibson Brands Forums
Discuss the Gibson USA line of guitars and basses including, but not limited to, Les Pauls, SGs, Explorers, and Thunderbirds.
Can someone talk about prototypes...? - Gibson Brands Forums
2019年7月16日 · There's really no mystery here. A Gibson prototype guitar is a first, typical or preliminary model of a series thay may have, or may never have, come to fruition, usually of the signature-guitar kind. They are rare and collectible items. Just recently Gibson sold off another batch of prototype guitars they apparently didn't need anymore ...
the plain truth about Nitrocellulose finishes. - Luthier Talk
2013年4月14日 · the next batch of guitars I've been told, supposedly had a very uniform paint thickness and the over spray was cut down to almost zero. but for whatever reason Gibson replaced the newly trained guy with someone else only a few weeks after the fix was implemented. and within a month they ended up with the same problem again.
Guitar Acronyms and Terms, a Glossary - Gibson Brands Forums
2020年6月26日 · The Gibson Flying V most notably, though other guitar manufacturers make V-shaped guitars, and they sell like hot cakes to mostly older players endeavoring to recapture their misspent youth. Z The z-axis on a guitar knob mounted to a control or potentiometer that clicks up and down (in addition to rolling this way or that, to adjust the ...
Gibson Yamano - Gibson Custom - Gibson Brands Forums
2023年1月30日 · No Gibson guitars are built in Japan that are of a superior quality to an American Gibson. Every custom shop guitar is built in America. But, as the story goes, the very finest from Gibson's custom shop in the US is hand selected for the Yamano market in Japan where an American guitar of top tier quality commands a very high price.
Why so many Gibsons in Japan? - Gibson Brands Forums
2024年5月14日 · Especially on ebay and especially acoustics, there's so many new and "used" (but actually new) Gibson guitars in Japan. Is this some Japanese business person buying up at cost, stock that dealers elsewhere in the world can't shift?
The complete history of Bob Dylan's Guitars - Gibson Acoustic
2013年1月30日 · Very nice. The originality of Dylan's J50 has come up before. The Script only guitars are considered 1946. J45, SJ, LG are common with the script lo
The one change Gibson made that ruined Gibson guitars.
2024年2月10日 · For Gibson to start producing quality guitars they have to make one simple change, get rid of the neck heel that hides the joint between the tenon and the body. If they do that then they can make modern gibsons sound like vintage gibsons and they can have better results from a short tenon than they now have with a long tenon.