澳門銀河,世界級的亞洲度假勝地 - Galaxy Macau
銀河國際會議中心(gicc)將為澳門會展業開啟新篇章,同時拓展銀河娛樂場股份有限公司在澳門的度假城版圖。 銀河娛樂集團旗下成員 星際酒店 澳門百老匯 銀河國際會議中心
Galaxy International Convention Center | Galaxy Macau, the World …
Galaxy International Convention Center (GICC) is the latest addition to Galaxy Entertainment Group’s ever-expanding integrated resort precinct and will usher in a new era for the MICE industry in Macau. GICC — Asia's most iconic and advanced MICE destination — is a world-class event venue featuring 40,000 sqm of total flexible MICE space ...
演唱會 | 澳門銀河,世界級的亞洲度假勝地 - Galaxy Macau
容納多達16,000位賓客的銀河綜藝館是澳門最大的室内綜藝館,為觀眾帶來前所末有的娛樂體驗。 綜藝館提供靈活定制的空間,設有中央舞台、三面舞台及拳擊台等。 無視覺遮擋設計及先進的高清播放技術,創造了360度全方位視聽享受。 綜藝館設有8個貴賓包廂,供貴賓在奢華的私密空間休恬交流,以及享用定制的餐飲服務。 我們相信共創的力量。 「澳門銀河」進駐的創意策展團隊EVENT STUDIO擁有豐富經驗,對度假城內所有活動場地及設施皆全面了解,通過與EVENT …
銀河國際會議中心 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
銀河國際會議中心 (英語: Galaxy International Convention Center,英文簡稱:GICC)位於 澳門 路氹城 「澳門銀河」綜合渡假城第三期,是 澳門 的大型會議及展覽場地,由 銀河娛樂集團 全資擁有。 中心上蓋為澳門安達仕酒店,內部設有展覽館、會議室和綜藝館。 目前,會議中心的會議展覽設施和綜藝館已於2023年4月起開始試業 [1][2][3],酒店於2023年9月15日正式開幕 [4]。 整個第三期項目於2023年12月13日正式開幕 [5]。 2017年5月4日,銀娛表示,“澳門銀河”三期圖 …
Galaxy Macau™ and SCMP Learn Team Up to Inspire New …
4 小时之前 · Galaxy International Convention Center (GICC) is the latest addition to the Group's ever-expanding integrated resort precinct and will usher in a new era for the MICE industry in Macau. GICC is a ...
澳門會展網 - MICE
GICC, Asia’s most iconic and advanced MICE destination, is a world class event venue with a total MICE space of 40,000m2. It features a 10,000m2 pillar-less Exhibition Hall; an Auditorium seating 650 guests; a Banquet Hall seating 2,400 guests; a 4,000m2 Conference Hall; a Ballroom catering for over 1,000 guests; a diverse selection of dining ...
Galaxy International Convention Center | TTGmice Planner
Galaxy International Convention Center (GICC) is the latest addition to Galaxy Entertainment Group’s ever-expanding integrated resort precinct and will usher in a new era for the MICE industry in Macau. GICC — Asia’s most iconic and advanced MICE destination — is a world-class event venue featuring 40,000 sqm of total flexible MICE ...
Meetings & Conferences | Galaxy Macau, the World-Class Asian …
Galaxy International Convention Center (GICC) is home to approximately 4,000 sqm of flexible, pillar-less meeting space that is divisible into 3 separate halls. The advanced, programmable LED ceiling creates a myriad of immersive experiences for events of any kind.
Galaxy International Convention Center - Macau, MO Meeting …
Opening in the second half of 2023, Galaxy International Convention Center (GICC) is the new event facility developed by Galaxy Entertainment Group and the latest addition to the group’s ever-expanding integrated resort precinct in Macau.
Galaxy Macau™ and SCMP Learn Team Up to Inspire New …
1 小时前 · Galaxy International Convention Center (GICC) is the latest addition to the Group’s ever-expanding integrated resort precinct and will usher in a new era for the MICE industry in Macau. GICC is a world-class event venue featuring 40,000-square-meters of total flexible MICE, and the 16,000-seat Galaxy Arena – the largest indoor arena in Macau.