Gichang - Wikipedia
gichang (Korean: 기창) is a Korean weapon which is first described in the Muyesinbo, a Korean martial arts manual published in 1759. It later also found its way into the Muyedobotongji (1791). The weapon is a spear with a flag attached to the pole.
Muyedobot'ongji - Wikipedia
Original to the 1795 Muyedobot'ongji are six methods of mounted combat: Gichang (spear fighting on horseback), Masang Ssanggeom (twin swords on horseback), Masang Woldo (crescent sword on horseback), Masang Pyeongon (flail method on horseback), Gyeokgu (ball game on horseback), Masang Jae (horsemanship specialties, such as riding stunts ...
Korean spears - Wikipedia
Gichang: This type of spear was about 7 ft (2.1 m) long and had a flag near the end to distract enemies. The blade was larger than the jukjangchang.
Gichang 기창 旗槍 (spear with flag) | Taekwondo Preschool
Gichang 기창 旗槍 (spear with flag) Is a Korean weapon which is first described in the Muyesinbo, a Korean martial arts manual published in 1759. It later also found its way into the Muyedobotongji (1791)
GiChang - Etsy
2016年8月8日 · Shop Giphotograph by GiChang located in Forest Hills, New York.
戟 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
戟[註 1] 是一種結合 戈 與 矛 的 長柄武器 [1]。 其中矛頭的部分稱作刺,戈的部分稱作援,裝於木柄或竹柄上。 戟有鉤、剢、劃、刳、刺(扎入)、剌(割劃開)六功能,用途廣泛可供戰車、步兵、騎兵使用。 其中雙手使用的為 長戟,單手使用的叫 手戟. 最早出現在中國的 商代,商代遺址有發現刺援分鑄的戟。 周朝 初年(约西元前1120年)的 木槨墓,曾出土了九支戟。 西周時期曾有刺援連在一起合鑄的戟,以青銅製成,但不久後就被淘汰。 東周時期的銅戟是採用刺援分鑄, …
Comparing the Different Types of Traditional Korean Spears
2017年7月17日 · Gichang. The gichang differed from other common Korean spears, as it featured a flag on the end. The spear itself was about 7 feet long with a 9-inch spearhead. Towards the end of the spear, however, was a flag. Historians believe the gichang's flag served several purposes. First and foremost, it helped Korean generals guide their armies into ...
Korean Gichang Spear | Polearms & Spears - Stronghold Nation
Seen in the late 16th/17th Centuries, The Gichang Spear was a traditional Guard and Ceremonial weapons. A Polearm, the spearhead was a 6 to 8 inch, knife-like extension – which was double-edged. Mounted on a 12 to 15 foot wooden staff, The …
About: Gichang - DBpedia Association
The gichang is a Korean weapon which is first described in the Muyesinbo, a Korean martial arts manual published in 1759. It later also found its way into the Muyedobotongji (1791). The weapon is a spear with a flag attached to the pole.
Gichang - Military Wiki | Fandom
The Gichang is a Korean weapon which is first described in the Muyesinbo, a Korean martial arts manual published in 1759. It later also found its way into the Muyedobotongji (1791). The weapon is, basically, a spear with a flag attached to the pole.