Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates (GIEU)
GIEUs (Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates) are project-based service-learning programs. Earn 3 credits taking a semester-long pre-departure course on intercultural learning, conducting fieldwork abroad for 3–4 weeks during the summer, and completing a community education project in fall term with your cohort.
About GIEU - University of Michigan
The Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates (GIEU) at the University of Michigan funds global educational projects that expand learning beyond traditional classroom boundaries, creating new opportunities for short-term (3 or 4 week) intercultural study …
Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates | Graham ...
Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates (GIEU) is an interdisciplinary experiential introduction to intercultural learning that prepares diverse undergraduate students from various colleges for field experience interactions, and then helps students bring these experiences back to campus in socially and academically productive ways.
U-M LSA Center for Global and Intercultural Study - College of …
GIEUs (Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates) are project-based service-learning programs. Earn 3 credits taking a semester-long pre-departure course on intercultural learning, conducting fieldwork abroad for 3–4 weeks during the summer, and completing a community education project in fall term with your cohort.
Center for Global and Intercultural Study | U-M LSA
CGIS offers opportunities to satsify your LSA language requirements abroad; Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates (GIEUs): project-based service learning programs; Global Course Connections: which include an on-campus course during winter semester and a 3-4 week off-campus field experience that takes place during the summer; and ...
Kathleen Sienko: Engineering a Better Global Health Program
2008年9月22日 · Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates (GIEU) The GIEU Program at the University of Michigan provides opportunities for short-term faculty-led intercultural study emphasizing the development of intercultural skills, global perspective, cultural sensitivity, critical self-reflection, and navigation within an intercultural setting.
GIEU is designed to have a positive and very broad impact on campus far beyond the individual participants. Faculty proposals must describe how the learning will come back to campus, and programs in intergroup relations and the Student Activities and Leadership office, along with the service-learning center, are involved in various phases of GIEU.
GIEU Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
What does GIEU abbreviation stand for? Explore the list of 3 best GIEU meaning forms based on popularity. Most common GIEU abbreviation full forms updated in October 2012.
GIEU - What does GIEU stand for? The Free Dictionary
Looking for online definition of GIEU or what GIEU stands for? GIEU is listed in the World's most authoritative dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms
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