GigaP | Utaite Wiki | Fandom
GigaP (ギガP) is a producer well-known for his energetic songs and skill in tuning VOCALOIDs, especially the two Kagamine voicebanks. However, he has recently made a successful foray into utaite activities, starting with a cover of "Tsukema Tsukeru" in January 2012. He has a somewhat nasal and flat but calm and confident, laid-back voice.
Giga | Vocaloid Wiki | Fandom
Giga (ギガ), is a producer, composer, and utaite best known for his techno and pops works and his high-energy arrange covers. He was born on December 15, 1991. He mainly uses Len and Rin, though he also uses Miku, GUMI, Luka, IA, and Lily. He has collaborated many times with Orebanana-P, to the extent that together they are known as "Gigabanana".
GigaP - 百度百科
GigaP(ギガP),1991年12月15日出生于日本秋田县,日本作曲家、VOCALOID音乐制作人。 经常使用镜音双子、Megpoid进行音乐创作,作品常常被贴上“神调教 ”的标签。
ギガP - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
ギガP 是日本著名作曲家、P主。 代表作为《Gigantic O.T.N》和《劣等上等》。 2010年, ギガP 发表了第一首VOCALOID原创作 流線プリズム。 2013年, Gigantic O.T.N 成为了 ギガP 的第一首传说曲。 2014年,在投稿《让其响彻》后, ギガP 陷入了长达四年的休眠期,直到2018年《劣等上等》投稿后该休眠状态才被打破。 2015年, ギガP 与 お菊 、 れをる 组成REOL组合出道,所属为TOY'S FACTORY,该组合于2017年解散。 2017年, Masked bitcH 传说, ギガP 成为 …
如何评价V家P主ギガ(gigaP)? - 知乎
hachi的风格虽是已电子合成为主,但和giga的EDM风格完全不是一个类型。 如果你说的八王子P的话,我一般把他亲切的叫做P子王八,八阿哥或者贵公子P。 八王子P是techno和electron风格 …
ギガP - 萌娘百科 萬物皆可萌的百科全書
ギガP 是日本著名作曲家、P主。 代表作為《Gigantic O.T.N》和《劣等上等》。 2010年, ギガP 發表了第一首VOCALOID原創作 流線プリズム。 2013年, Gigantic O.T.N 成為了 ギガP 的第一首傳說曲。 2014年,在投稿《讓其響徹》後, ギガP 陷入了長達四年的休眠期,直到2018年《劣等上等》投稿後該休眠狀態才被打破。 2015年, ギガP 與 お菊 、 れをる 組成REOL組合出道,所屬為TOY'S FACTORY,該組合於2017年解散。 2017年, Masked bitcH 傳說, ギガP 成為 …
GigaP | Jpop Wiki | Fandom
GigaP or Giga-P (ギガP) is a Japanese singer, VOCALOID producer, lyricst, arranger and composer. He debuts his activities as a VOCALOID producer in 2009 and as a singer in 2012. He is also a former member of the Japanese electronic pop co-ed band RΞOL. Stage Name: GigaP / Giga-P Birthday:December...
GigaP - 搜狗百科
2024年9月28日 · ギガP歌曲的曲风大都属于摇滚和流行电子,调教风格偏好电音、性感一类。 工口曲的数目较多,中毒性非常高,常常会使听者不经意间抖腿。 代表作品. 「ギガンティックO.T.N」「被害妄想携带女子 (笑)」「おこちゃま戦争」「LUVORATORRRRRY!」「PONPONPON」「ヒビカセ」等。 [1] [2] 性取向. ギガP本人在Twitter上的发言算得上色气和糟糕,曾经在Twitter上表明自己喜欢180cm+的筋肉男。 在ギガP的曾经一次生放送中被提问了关 …
GigaP - Artists — MyFigureCollection.net
GigaP (ギガP) is a producer well-known for his energetic songs and skill in tuning VOCALOIDs, especially the two Kagamine voicebanks. However, he has recently made a successful foray into utaite activities, starting with a cover of "Tsukema Tsukeru" in January 2012. He has a somewhat nasal and flat but calm and confident, laid-back voice.
The faces behind Vocaloid Ps – @takanenene on Tumblr
Deco*27 and Sasakure.UK Mothy (AkunoP) 40mP 164, 40mP, and Deco*27 acane madder BuzzG Captain Mirai CosmoP (BosouP) DeadballP Deco*27 (again) Dixie Flatline MasterVocaloid/Giuseppe on the left Hachi halyosy (not a P but still pretty notable) IKa KagomeP kikuo kous KZ (on the left) MachigeritaP Manbou monaca:factory NashimotoP (on the left)Not GigaP but Last Note.
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