國際單位系統 - 維基百科
國際單位系統 (法文:Le Système International d'Unités;英文:The International System of Units;簡稱 SI)係 公制系統 嗰現代標準形式,佢通常採用嗰係 十進位。 佢係世界使得最廣泛嗰 度量體系,商業、科學箇滴子領域都用得到佢。
Convert Giga to Mega - Unit Converter
Instant free online tool for giga to mega conversion or vice versa. The giga [G] to mega [M] conversion table and conversion steps are also listed. Also, explore tools to convert giga or mega to other prefixes units or learn more about prefixes conversions.
Kilo, mega, giga, tera, peta, exa, zetta and all that - TechTarget
Kilo, mega, giga, tera, peta, exa and zetta are among the binary prefixes used to denote the quantity of something, such as a byte or bit in computing and telecommunications. Sometimes called prefix multipliers, these prefixes are also used in electronics and physics.
Metric prefix - Wikipedia
When mega and micro were adopted in 1873, three prefixes existed starting with "m". It was necessary to use a symbol other than upper and lowercase 'm'. Eventually the Greek letter "μ" was adopted.
计算机存储单位 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
二进制序列用以表示计算机、电子信息数据容量的量纲,基本单位为字节B,字节向上分别为KB、MB、GB、TB,每级为前一级的1024倍,比如1KB=1024B,1M=1024KB。 国际单位制不是计算机行业专用的,只是计算机把两个相邻词头间的换算关系,从1000变成了1024。 一、国际单位制 (SI) yotta 尧 [它] 10的24次方 zetta 泽 [它] 10的21次方 exa 艾 [可萨] 10的18次方 peta 拍 [它] 10的15次方 tera 太 [拉] 10的12次方 giga 吉 [咖] 10的9次方 mega 兆 10的6次方 kilo 千 10的3次方 …
GB to MB Conversion Gigabytes to Megabytes Calculator
1 Gigabyte is equal to 1024 megabytes (binary). 1 GB = 2 10 MB in base 2. Difference Between GB and MB. Gigabyte unit symbol is GB, Megabyte unit symbol is MB. Gigabyte is greater than Megabyte. GB has the prefix Giga. MB has the prefix Mega. Gigabyte is …
Mega (M) to Giga (G) converter - MathDA
If you have 3 Mega (M), it is equivalent to 0.003 Giga (G) 3 (M) = 0.003 (G). Conversely, 7 Giga (G) is equal to 7000 Mega (M) 7 (G) = 7000 (M) . Use this reference to convert easily between Mega (M) and Giga (G) for various applications in technology and engineering.
Giga (G) to Mega (M) converter - mathda.com
Use the provided formulas to easily convert between Giga (G) and Mega (M) in the SI prefix system. Whether scaling up or down, these simple conversion formulas can help you quickly and accurately convert data storage capacities.
Convert Giga to Mega (SI-prefixes) - Convert Measurement Units
How many Mega make 1 Giga? Measurement calculator that can be used to convert Giga to Mega, among others. (SI-prefixes)