Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Kosovo
The special representative of the secretary-general for Kosovo (SRSG) is appointed by the secretary-general to lead the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). During the United Nations rule between 1999-2008, the Joint Interim Administrative Structure and then the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government were ...
Special Representative of the Secretary-General - Wikipedia
A special representative of the Secretary-General is a highly respected expert who has been appointed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to represent them in meetings with heads of state on critical human rights issues.
Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara
The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara (SRSG) is appointed by the Secretary-General to lead the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO).
UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence …
Action is urgently needed to stop the rise in child trafficking - UN report. The Special Representative leads the global workstream of Pathfinding countries to End Violence Against Children....
Thus, the aim is to understand how professional experience influences continuity and change in SRSGs’ leadership practices when leading peace operations. The analysis is grounded in an interview-based approach and informed by a practice- centered approach.
SRSG and S2SG: A Model and a Dataset for Scene Graph ... - GitHub
The dataset of remote sensing image scene graph generation based on segmentation results, which is used in paper "SRSG and S2SG: A Model and a Dataset for Scene Graph Generation of Remote Sensing Images From Segmentation Results" and "RSSGG_CS: Remote Sensing Image Scene Graph Generation by Fusing Contextual Information and Statistical Knowledge".
Leadership for Peace : Special Representatives of the UN Secretary ...
2017年8月24日 · The basic structure of the book mirrors a series of international workshops dedicated to one specific arena of SRSG leadership, namely leadership vis-a-vis the Security Council, the parties to a given conflict situation and the diverse components of …
peacebuilding goal. The core role of the SRSG is to facilitate the processes that manage these interde-pendencies within the peacebuilding system. As the only institution with system-wide responsibil-ity, the SRSG is uniquely positioned to play this role. The SRSG is tasked with coordinating and leading a
Note of Guidance on Integrated Missions: clarifying the role of the ...
This 2006 note of guidance clarifies the role, responsability and authority of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and the Deputy Special Representative of the...
SRSG and S2SG: A Model and a Dataset for Scene Graph …
2023年10月11日 · srsg和s2sg:基于分割结果的遥感影像场景图生成模型和数据集