一日一杯:金汤力(Gin Tonic) - 知乎专栏
在绝大多数经典鸡尾酒中,最方便制作的,应该要属金汤力。 在大多数英语系的国家里,大家甚至用G&T来指代Gin Tonic,大多数人选择在午后、饭前、饭后、夜晚来上一杯这个。 无论什么时候,它都是不过时也不出错的…
Tang Alcoholic Drink
Gin: The botanical notes in gin can create an interesting complexity with Tang. Bourbon: For a bolder drink, bourbon’s sweetness pairs surprisingly well with Tang. Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore some tantalizing Tang cocktail recipes that …
8 Easy Cocktails You Can Make With Common Grocery Items
2020年10月9日 · For those who have not tried this popular Pinoy cocktail, all you have to do is to mix gin, Tang’s pomelo-flavored powdered juice, water, and then serve it in a glass filled with ice.
GIN GALAXY REMAKE "Pinoy Cocktail" Tang Grapes & Sprite | Alak Tutorials 150 (SEASON FINALE) • GIN GALAXY REMAKE "Pinoy Cocktail" Ta... Pinoy Cocktail VELOCITY MIX!
10 Pinoy Cocktail Recipes To Try With Gin Bilog - Klook Travel
2020年6月18日 · Throw it back to nights out with friends and recreate Pinoy cocktails with the Gin Bilog - a local favorite. Check out these Gin Bilog recipes here!
Scrappy's Bitters | Cocktails: GIN & TANG
1.5 oz Malfy Limone Gin 1 oz Orangecello 0.75 oz Lemon Juice 0.5 Grapefruit Shrub 4 dashes Scrappy’s Lime Bitters 2 dashes Peychaud’s Bitters
金汤力是一款 鸡尾酒,源于英国的孟买蓝宝石金酒,是英国 伦敦 著名金酒品牌,被全球认为是最优质最高档的 金酒。 方法:在直筒 高杯 中,加入一半左右冰块。 倒入至少8成满 汤力水 和约一盎司金酒,稍微搅拌一下。 放入一片柠檬,外观和口味会更好 [1] 口感舒适、配方简单、适合女士饮用。 松子 味道的酒+ 碳酸水 的感觉,是烈酒。 金汤力是一款鸡尾酒,源于英国的孟买蓝宝石金酒,是英国伦敦著名金酒品牌,被全球认为是最优质最高档的金酒。
完美搭档——金汤力(Gin Tonic) - 知乎专栏
金汤力好喝秘诀在于金酒和汤力水的比例,现代的做法一般控制在1比3、4左右。 金酒多了,喝起来就没有那么清爽;而汤力水多了,喝起来就没有金酒那种特殊的香气了,好像在纯喝一杯汤力水。 这就像我们吃麦当劳的炸薯条配番茄酱,其实是怎么都好吃的,但是如果整份薯条只给你一点点番茄酱,薯条吃起来就没有滋味,如果把一整根薯条都涂上番茄酱,我又觉得是在吃番茄酱。 调酒中比例的控制在长饮酒中体现得更加明显,很多鸡尾酒配方书籍上提到的软性饮品如苏打水、 …
Tanqueray No. 10 | Gin Review, Tasting Notes and Serves
Tanqueray No. 10 has rightfully earned its space behind the bar as a versatile, premium cocktail gin. Expertly made, Tanqueray’s top shelf gin reads as slightly more classic twenty years later than when it launched. Classic gin fans will love the way the juniper is elevated by citrus.
What are your favorite mixes involving Gin Bulag/GSM Blue ... - Reddit
i remember trying a mix emperador, red horse and tang grapes. there’s also this one time where we mixed smirnoff, tiger beer, and maria clara sangria.
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